"This isn't why I came here," I say, trying to inject steel into my voice. "I need to find my sister, to get my revenge. I can't afford distractions."
But even as I speak, I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince - Dazirus or myself.
Ilean against the doorframe, my eyes fixed on Narina's sleeping form. Her chest rises and falls in a gentle rhythm, each breath a reminder of her fragility. Something about her pulls at me, an inexplicable force I can't shake off.
How did she get here to the demonic realm? The question gnaws at me, refusing to let go. I've been digging, searching for answers, but nothing adds up. That damn necklace glows faintly around her neck, taunting me with its secrets.
My pocket vibrates. I pull out my communication crystal, scanning the message from my informant. My eyes narrow as I read the words.
"By the Hellspont," I mutter under my breath.
Days of research have led to this. The necklace isn't just some trinket - it's an ancient artifact.
I stare at the message, my mind reeling. Five thousand years old? That's ancient, even by demon standards. My fingers tighten around the crystal, knuckles turning white.
The necklace glows softly in the dim light, innocuous at first glance. But now? Now it's a ticking time bomb around Narina's neck.
"Damnation" I mutter, running a hand through my hair.
A low-ranking demon creating something this powerful out of spite? It's almost laughable. Almost. But I've seen what desperation and anger can do.
I move closer to Narina's sleeping form, my eyes fixed on the artifact. The urge to rip it off her neck is overwhelming, but I hold back. Who knows what kind of safeguards that spiteful bastard put in place?
The legend echoes in my mind. A demon smith, obsessed with a noble demoness, crafting this to bind her to him forever. My stomach churns. What kind of twisted magic is woven into its very essence?
I've seen countless magical items in my time, but this? This is on another level entirely. The power radiating from it is subtle, insidious. It makes my skin crawl.
And its purpose? To control a demon.
My jaw clenches as I process this information. Is that why she's here? To enslave me? But she seemed so lost, so desperate when I found her. Could it all have been an act?
I rake a hand through my hair, frustration building in my chest. This doesn't make sense. If she wanted to control me, why hasn't she tried? Why go through all this?
My eyes drift back to Narina, studying her face. She looks peaceful, vulnerable. Not like someone plotting to enslave a demon.
But appearances can be deceiving. I've lived long enough to know that.
My eyes narrow as I process the information. Take control of a demon? Is this why I feel strangely drawn to her? Is this artifact manipulating my emotions?
I've never heard of this item before—it's one of a kind. A powerful relic, capable of bending the will of demons. Is Narinadoing this unconsciously? She's never tried to use it, but could the magic be working on me without her knowledge?
I step closer to the bed, my eyes fixed on the necklace. She looks so peaceful, so vulnerable. Why do I feel this protectiveness towards her? Is it genuine, or merely the artifact's influence?
My thoughts spiral.
"This feeling... it can't be real, can it?"
The contract we signed shouldn't make me feel such gentleness, such care. It has to be the necklace, right?
I reach out, my fingers hovering inches from the glowing pendant. The urge to touch it, to rip it away from her, is overwhelming. But I hesitate. What if removing it triggers some kind of curse? What if it hurts her?
The thought of Narina in pain makes my chest tighten. Is that the necklace's doing too? Or is it... something else?
I clench my fist, pulling back. I'm a demon lord. I shouldn't be feeling this... this weakness. And yet, as I look at her sleeping form, I can't deny the warmth spreading through me.