“You should. Now, sit very still while I take your photo.”
“Uh…” Anton looks concerned as Emma pulls her phone out of her bra and snaps a photo of him.
I frown at her. “What are you doing?”
“It’s just a precaution.” Emma waves a hand. “You know, just in case you go missing.”
“I wasn’t planning on kidnapping her if that’s what you’re getting at.” Anton sits up straight, his expression suddenly serious.
“It wasexactlywhat I was getting at.” Emma puts her hands on her hips. “So, you have been warned. If anything happens to our girl, I will personally slice off your dick with a carving knife. Which would be a shame, because you seem like you have a very nice dick.”
I cover my mouth with my hand to try and stifle my laughter at the look on Anton’s face.
“You’re welcome. Thanks again for the drinks!”
Beatrice offers me a wave. “See you bright and early,”
“Don’t forget the coffee,” Allie mumbles as Emma starts to drag the pair of them away.
I wait until my friends are out of earshot. “I’m sorry about Emma. She doesn’t have much of a filter.”
“I can see why you’re friends with her.” Anton chuckles, causing the dimple to appear in his cheek. “She’s a real force of nature.”
“That's why I keep her around.”
“It’s good that you have people looking out for you.”
“I hope they didn’t ruin your plans of kidnapping me.” I lick my lips as I let my eyes roam over Anton’s body.
“You sound disappointed.”
I shrug. “What can I say, I like being tied up.”
Anton stiffens, and I fight a smile as he shifts in his seat.
I have no doubt that if I glanced down at his lap, I would be able to see the evidence of his arousal.
I wonder if his cock is just as impressive as the rest of his body. The thought has me squeezing my thighs together.
I desperately need to get laid, but tonight is not that night.
He clears his throat. “So, how long have you been in New York?”
I try not to appear smug, but I am secretly enjoying the effect I’m having on him. It will make my job a hell of a lot easier, and the sooner I get my father the information he needs, the sooner I can focus on my real goal of getting to the American Ballet Company.
“Only a few weeks, but it already feels like home.”
“New York has that effect on people. I’ve lived here my whole life, and I have no plans on leaving.”
“It lives up to the hype.”
“Does your family have any plans to come and visit you while you’re here?”
“Do you really want to spend tonight asking me about my family?” I lean forward slightly.
My sweater falls even lower off my shoulder, giving him the perfect view of the curve of my breasts.