Page 70 of Sinful Betrayal

I feel like an ass as Nina disappears out of the room, and I make a silent vow to make it up to her later.

“What have you got for me, Rosa?”

“Thought you were ignoring me, Koslov.”

“I was in the middle of something.”

“You always are.” She scoffs. “I’m calling to let you know that I managed to find some basic info on your brother.”

“What do you mean by basic?”

“His current address that he’s been living at for the past year as well as an updated phone number. I’m emailing them over to you now along with my invoice.”

“Where’s he been living?”

“If you check the email you’ll find out. I have to go, Anton.” She cuts off the call.

I quickly open up my email and click on the latest one from Rosa.

I hold my breath as I scan the attached file with Nikolai’s new number as well as his current address and notice a New York zip code.

“You fucker.”

Not only has he been in the same country as me for the past year, but also in the samestate.

I fight the urge to launch my phone across the room.

I could almost excuse him for not visiting our mother when I thought he was abroad, though he sure as hell has the money to afford regular flights. But the fact that he’s been so close and not bothered to visit, let alone help out, has my blood boiling.

“I need a fucking drink.”

I’min a blind rage by the time I pull up outsideEspionage.

“Back so soon?” Reid asks as I stalk straight past him into the bar.

“No amount of alcohol will make me feel better, but I’m going to try anyway.” I approach the bar, signaling to Alex, the bartender, to pour me a vodka. “Keep them coming until I say otherwise.”

Reid steps to my side at the bar. “Want company?”

“Fuck no.” I take my drink, stalking over to one of the private booths at the back of the bar.

Three double vodkas down and my mind is yet to quieten, and my body is almost vibrating with anger.

I go round and round in circles, trying to decide whether to just pay my brother a visit, but I know that will only end up with one of us in the hospital and the other in jail.

The empty glass is cleared away and another is set down in front of me.

I open up my phone and stare at the number that Rosa emailed across, fighting the urge to call, as I drink.

And drink.

And drink.

Until I can’t hold back any longer and dial Nikolai’s new number.

It doesn’t even ring once before going straight to voicemail.

“You’re a fucking piece of shit, you know that?” I yell down the phone, not caring that people can hear me. “Not that you have a fucking conscience, but Mama’s been asking after you for weeks, wondering where the hell you are. How is it that you get to be the golden child whereas I’m nothing but a stranger to her, huh? How is that fair? I’m putting my life on hold to make sure she’s cared for, and you just threw in the towel the moment it got hard. You’re a fucking coward, Nikolai. I just thought you should know how disappointed I am in the man you’ve become.”