Page 62 of Sinful Betrayal

Yakov looks like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole, and Anton laughs, the sound making my skin break out in goosebumps.

“Well, I’ll leave you two girls to it. But I just wanted to say, Emma, that you’re welcome here any time, so please make yourself at home.”

“Thank you. this place isgorgeous!” She looks around the foyer.

I glance at Anton and there’s a faint pink blush staining his cheeks.

Is he embarrassed?

I never thought I could use the wordadorableto describe Anton Koslov, but the way he’s blushing right now as Emma gushes over the house has me smiling so hard my cheeks ache.

“That’s very kind. Yakov and I will be in my upstairs office if you need anything.” They disappear up the stairs.

I stare after him, frozen in a state of awe.

He can’t be real.

“Wait, does Yakov work for Anton? I thought you said he worked for your father?” Emma frowns.

“Oh, Yakov’s just helping Anton out with some security stuff for when I stay at his place. My father insisted.”

“I thought my dad was protective, but yours is on another level. I feel for you, girl.”

I give Emma a quick tour of the downstairs rooms before getting settled in the lounge where she takes one look at the table of snacks and the TV that covers most of the wall and lets out another squeal.

“I could get used to this!” She plops herself down on the couch. “I’m glad I wore pants with an elasticated waist.”

I laugh as I take a seat beside her and pour us both a glass of red wine that Anton kindly donated to us.

I curl my legs up underneath myself, snuggling up on the couch. “Did I miss anything on Friday?”

“Allie got the number of one of the bartenders.” Emma shakes her head as she reaches for the bowl of popcorn. “But I think he only gave it to her because we were in the VIP section, and hethought we were loaded or something. Oh, my god, don’t tell her I said that.”

“I won’t, don’t worry.”

“And Bea was being her usual standoffish self. I mean, I don’t blame the guys for not approaching her. She’s both stunning and terrifying with that red hair and pale skin.”

“What about you?”

Emma looks guilty as she takes a sip of wine, and I sit up straighter, suddenly intrigued. “Oh my god, what did you do?”

“I may have had sex in the bathroom…” She visibly cringes.

“In Anton’s bar?”

“Yeah… I know it’s super slutty, but if it’s any consolation I won’t be doing it again. The sex was actually terrible. I’m surprised the guy even managed to get it in the right hole if you know what I mean.”


“I’m not even joking.” Emma groans. “I’m not sure if it was because we were drunk or in a bathroom stall, or if he was genuinely that bad, but it was almost enough to turn me off guys altogether.”

I laugh. “It was probably a combination of the three.”

“Nina, I swear, I don’t know how I manage to find such crappy guys. AndEspionageis an upscale bar! I thought I could bag myself an Anton. Speaking of which…”

Here we go.

“What?” I sip my wine.