Page 59 of Sinful Betrayal

“That’s quite all right, Danika. Why don’t you finish early today?”

“But it’s only just past four? I was meant to be here until nine?—”

“I’ll still pay you for the full day, don’t worry. Please, go and spend some time with your family.”

Danika looks on the verge of tears as she collects her bag, which was not my intention at all.

“You’re very kind, Mr. Koslov. My children will be happy to see me home early.” She pats me on the arm.

I offer her a warm smile in return and go to open the kitchen door for her.

Nina shakes her head as I close the door behind Danika. “Okay, seriously, are you like a saint or something?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve never known someone take such good care of his staff.”

“It’s basic human decency, Nina.”

“I know, and yet so many people treat others like garbage.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to try and fight my smile.

She frowns. “What?”

“You’re cute when you’re annoyed.”

Her brows furrow harder, and I can tell that something is bothering her.

“Nina? What’s wrong?”

“Who’s Katerina?”

I freeze.

How does she know about Katerina?

“Why do you ask?” I try to seem almost indifferent to the question, but my heart is starting to race.

I hate talking about Katerina because it always leaves me feeling empty.

Nina bites her lower lip, looking embarrassed.

But I’ve made it clear to her how important honesty and truth is to me, so I gently tuck her hair behind her ear, silently giving her permission to speak whatever is on her mind.

“Your mother thought I was Katerina. I didn’t correct her because I thought it might upset her even more.”

“I see.”

“Sorry, I’m not very familiar with Alzheimer’s, so if I was wrong to not correct her, I apologize?—”

“You don’t need to apologize. Often it’s best just to go along with the narrative she’s created rather than trying to correct her. I did that in the beginning, and it only upset her.”

“Okay, that’s good to know. But you still didn’t answer my question.”

I trace my thumb over the pink blush staining her cheeks. I’m curious to know why she’s so interested in Katerina.

Is she jealous?