The girls are heading to Espionage tonight. Would it be ok to organize a bottle of champagne for them from me?
He replies almost immediately.
All their drinks will be taken care of, and I’ve organized a VIP table for them. Tell Emma to give them my name at the door x
I show Emma the text, and she squeals.
“Oh, I like him a lot. Now all we need is for him to throw in a hunky bodyguard for the night.”
“It’s not a strip club.” I laugh. My phone buzzes again with another message from Anton.
I’m happy for you to go tonight but only if I’m there too. Just let me know so I can reschedule my meetings.
Even if he’s willing to come along, the thought of the girls all bombarding him with questions seems unfair. He’s had a pretty stressful week himself, and I know the last thing he’ll want to do is crash girls’ night, so I decide it’s best just to pass on this one.
I’m not feeling it tonight. Think I’ll enjoy a nice bath instead!
Anton: Same rules apply with the bath…
You have meetings…
They’re not important. You are.
And I wonder why I’m falling for him…
“Ooh, what’s got you blushing?” Emma nudges me with her elbow.
“Huh? Oh, nothing.” I shut off my phone before she reads my messages over my shoulder.
We gather the rest of our things and head out of the studio.
Yakov is waiting for us outside, and Emma continues to try and flirt with him as we walk out of the main building.
“I apologize for my friend, Yakov.” I glance up at him. “She’s very persistent.”
“What can I say, I like the quiet ones.” She laughs. “They’re always the freakiest in bed.”
“What? It’s true!”
“Oh, my god.”
“In all seriousness, are we ever going to hang out outside of this building?”
“Why don’t you come over to Anton’s place on Sunday.”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. His house is incredible, and I’ll stock plenty of snacks, and we can just veg out on the couch all day.”
“I amsoin. Text me the address, or better yet, have Yakov come and pick me up.”
After saying goodbye to Emma, I follow Yakov to the car, and he holds the door open as I climb into the back seat of the blacked-out Range Rover.
I know that most of my classmates likely think I’m insane, and it just makes me more grateful for the fact that I managed to make some friends before I landed myself a mountain of a bodyguard.
“You really don’t like talking, do you?” I ask after ten minutes of silence.