“Can we discuss this later?” I glance at Yakov.
His eyes might be scanning the sea of students heading inside, but I know he’s listening to every word.
Emma seems to follow my train of thought and winks.
“We should definitely go for drinks again this weekend. Especially if this guy has to come too.”
“Oh, my god.” I shake my head.
If Anton has his way, he likely won’t be letting me anywhere near a bar for the foreseeable future, Yakov or no Yakov.
“Why don’t you come round this weekend? We can have a girls’ night in.” We turn to head inside.
“Even better, that way I can wear my pajamas.” Emma laughs.
After my two-hourfundamentals exam followed by back-to-back classes, my lack of sleep is finally starting to catch up with me.
I’m exhausted, and it hasn’t helped that every person I’ve come into contact with has pestered me with questions regarding my new sidekick.
I’m starting to regret my choice of faking an attack to try and get Anton on my side. I wasn’t expecting him to be soprotective.
After my final class of the day, I say goodbye to the girls and start to head for the exit with Yakov hot on my heels when my phone starts to buzz in my pocket.
I pull it out, and the nickname I’ve saved my father under is flashing on the screen.
The last thing I need is for my phone to ring and anyone to see who my father is.
As much as I want to send the call to voicemail, I haven’t spoken to my father for a few days, and if I put it off much longer, my life won’t be worth living.
“I just need to use the ladies’ room,” I say to Yakov who dips his chin.
I dash into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall before answering. “What is it?”
“You’ve been quiet the last few days.” My father’s voice automatically puts me on edge, and I grip the phone so tight my knuckles turn white.
“I’ve been busy.”
“I didn’t send you to New York to prance about in a fucking tutu, Nina. That was a perk based on if you could deliver the information I require. So far, you’re not holding up your end of the bargain, so I’m reluctant to keep holding up mine.”
“Things are going to plan.”
Images of Anton’s face between my thighs flash through my mind.
I’ve never been more grateful that my father is currently in Russia and unable to see the guilty look on my face.
I hate that I’m using Anton as a way to land myself a career in ballet but when it comes to the thing I love most, I will do whatever it takes to make sure I can finally live the life I’ve always wanted.
“Are they?”
“Yes, I promise you?—”
“At this point, it’s just empty words to me, Nina. You’ve been in New York for three weeks, and you’ve gotten nothing.”
“These things taketime. I can’t risk making a mistake.”
“And I can’t risk the Koslov’s making another move against my fucking family,” he growls, causing me to jump. “Remember why you’re doing this, Nina.”
I’m trying.