My stomach churns, and my mouth instantly fills with saliva, and not in a good way.
“Oh no.” I fight the urge to vomit.
“Nina?” Anton looks over his shoulder.
I force a smile, trying not to grimace at the smell of the bacon.
What the hell is happening?
“I’m fine,” I lie, forcing a smile.
Anton doesn’t look convinced, but he turns his attention back to the food, and I do my best to ignore the nauseous churning of my stomach.
Thankfully, sitting at the table does the trick as I’m flooded with memories of last night, and my cheeks burn as I remember how desperate Anton was to have me after watching me dance.
I was nervous when he asked me to dance for him. It felt so intimate to show him that side of me, a side that very few get to experience outside of my teachers and classmates.
But the sex that followed was unlike anything we’ve shared. It was truly mind-blowing.
“Stop thinking dirty thoughts.”
I blink as Anton sets a plate of eggs and bacon down in front of me.
“I-I wasn’t.” My cheeks burn.
“Liar.” Anton chuckles, tucking my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. “But I was thinking very dirty thoughts too.”
I shiver at his touch.
“Now, eat up before it gets cold.” He takes the seat opposite me.
I nod, reaching for my fork and scooping up some eggs. As I bring them to my mouth, I fight the urge to gag.
I glance nervously at Anton, but he’s fixated on his food, half of his plate already gone.
Swallowing the bile in my throat, I force myself to take a bite and chew. But I can’t hold back the groan as the eggs almost immediately make a reappearance, and Anton looks up from his food, his eyebrows pulled together in a frown.
“Are you not hungry?” He eyes my untouched plate of food.
I try not to wrinkle my nose at the sight of the eggs, but in truth the smell is making me want to hurl.
My stomach is in knots, but it’s not surprising, considering the web of lies I’ve found myself tangled in.
“I, uh…My stomach doesn’t feel too good.”
“Is it your time of the month? Because I had Danika make sure to have the bathroom stocked for you. But if there’s anything else you need, just let me know.”
“Oh, that’s…uh, thanks.” My cheeks burn brighter, but Anton has a point.
I’ve been taking my pill religiously, but other than a little spotting, I’ve had nothing.
Anton touches my hand. “Can I make you something else? There’s fruit or maybe some pancakes…”
Normally, I would be begging for pancakes, with baconandeggs. I should be starving considering all the late-night activity but right now, nothing sounds good.
I stare down at the plate of food as I try to rack my brains.
I put my absent period down to stress, but the fact of the matter is I’ve always run like clockwork, regardless of lifestyle factors.