

Icould tell Gavin was pissed as soon as he came home, and I had a pretty good idea what had caused it.


Having gone on a date just hours before.

I worried my bottom lip with my teeth and tried not to look at Gavin, who sat across from me at our small, two-seater kitchen table.

Gavin and I had moved in together as soon as we graduated high school. We’d found this two bedroom apartment just down the street from the college we’d been accepted to, and thanks to our parents' help securing the place, we’d been here for the last three years.

Not only was it so much cheaper to rent off campus than stay in a dorm but, the truth was, I didn’t want to live anywhere except with Gavin.

I loved him. I always had, and it wasn’t the type of love that a sister should have for her brother.

It was wrong, I knew this. And so I'd tried my entire life to keep these emotions in check and hidden. Which led me to going on a date tonight. It was the first one I’d ever gone on, truthfully.

I’d had no desire before that, but even if I had wanted to, Gavin had been so protective of me that no boys had ever even talked to me for fear my twin would kick their ass.

I push the rest of my food around on my plate, my forkclankingon the ceramic. “Your date was good?” Gavin grabbed his beer and leaned back, giving me a slow nod as he kept his focus on me.

I looked down at my plate, feeling my own irritation grow. My twin was a man of little words. He had this almost caveman persona where he kicked someone’s ass and asked questions later. It was infuriating as much as it was…arousing.

I let my fork drop to the plate with a loudthunkand crossed my arms under my breasts as I glared at him. “What’s the issue?” I cocked an eyebrow at him and waited. But all he did was finish off his beer, stand, and go over to the bottle of wine he’d brought home for me.

He still said nothing as he showed me the bottle and cocked his own eyebrow in a silent question if I wanted some.

Huffing out another irritated breath, I nodded and watched as he poured me a glass from the already opened bottle. A moment of confusion flitted through my thoughts, wondering when he’d opened the wine, but when the full glass of Cabernet was placed in front of me, I let the question go and took a hearty swallow.

Long moments passed, but it wasn’t uncomfortable the longer we sat there. Clearly, Gavin was dealing with some shit and wasn't in the talkative mood about it.

I took another long pull from my wine glass, and before I even set it down, Gavin had the bottle in hand and poured me more.

I sputtered out a chuckle and was about to tell him to go easy, that he knew I was a “cheap drunk”, but the truth was that with finals and the stress of school in general, a wine buzz sounded pretty good right about now.

He got up and turned some music on, and for the next ten minutes, we just chilled. We didn’t speak, but we’d never had to fill the empty space of silence with conversation to be comfortable.

Having shared the same womb at the same time, we were forever linked in ways that most people would never understand.

I started to feel lightheaded and saw Gavin watching me intently—a little too focused if I was being honest.

I went to stand to get a glass of water but gripped the edge of my chair and a wave of dizziness slammed into me.

“The wine was potent. Damn, Gavin.” I started laughing a little more after saying that, that lightheaded feeling coming on stronger with each passing second.

I heard Gavin’s chair scrape back as he stood. Then the sound of his footsteps coming closer surrounded me. “It’s a special kind, Gwen. Just for you.”

His words were deep and sounded muffled as they filled my ears. “I don’t feel right,” I slurred, my arm so heavy as I lifted it and placed a hand on my forehead. I squeezed my eyes shut and swayed, but I felt Gavin’s brawny arms pull me in close.

He murmured something, but I couldn’t understand the words. It felt like waves crashed through my ears, blocking out everything else.

Gavin kissed my temple and said a little louder and closer this time, “Let’s get you to bed.”

My feet wouldn’t move when I tried to walk, and a second later, I was being carried to my room by Gavin. I rested my head on his shoulder and exhaled.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I feel funny.” Even the words in my head sounded weird… meshed together and unintelligible.