“This way.” Ruby set off once more at a brisk pace, leaving Sasha scrambling to keep up.
They didn’t stop at any of the shops or kiosks. Sasha could have used a bottle of overpriced airport water, but she was almost afraid to say anything at all to Ruby at this point. She gripped the straps of her backpack tight, so tight her knuckles ached.
What had gone so wrong, so quickly?
Did I say the wrong thing?Sasha thought to herself as she recounted the previous conversations in her mind.
They arrived at their gate and Ruby plopped down in a seat next to an older woman. She slung her backpack into the seat next to her and crossed her arms over her chest.
Well. Signals didn’t get much clearer than that. Sasha sat down across from Ruby and eased her own backpack around into her lap. All she could do was hug it for support as she went over the last couple of hours or so in her mind. They’d left the Fierelli house with Dom and Elena this morning, and in the car, Ruby had been her usual cuddly, friendly self. At the airport, she’d been understandably upset about saying goodbye to her parents. And then all of a sudden, she was… whatever this was now. Standoffish, hard, walled off in a way Sasha honestly couldn’t remember seeing in her before. And it had been so, so sudden. Clearly Sasha had done something wrong, but she just couldn’t put a finger on what it could have been. She shrank into herself and tried to shake off her anxiety.
The minutes until boarding crawled by, but finally, mercifully, it began. They were in the third boarding group, thanks to Ruby’s frequent flyer miles. Meekly, Sasha trailed after Ruby. How were they going to get through the next several hours? She was going to have to make Ruby talk, a task she did not, for once, relish.
Only when they had their backpacks up in the bin, their seatbelts buckled, the safety demonstration watched—with too much concentration on Ruby’s part, Sasha thought—and the plane was taxiing down the runway and therefore, every chance for Ruby to escape was theoretically gone… as the plane lifted off, only then did Sasha open her mouth. “Ruby…”
“Don’t, Sash.” The sweet, dreamy voice she loved so well was gone, replaced by steel. Sasha looked down at Ruby’s hands, which were clutching the armrests of her seat, white-knuckled. She gently touched one, and it was a dagger to her heart when Ruby snatched it away.
She took a deep breath. “Ruby, come on. I know something’s wrong. What happened? What did I do? Please just tell me.”
“Nothing, I,” Ruby’s eyes clenched shut. “Sash, please. Please, don’t push. Not right now.”
“But I want to help, I want to fix it, I can’t stand you being like this with me,” Sasha whispered, panic clawing its way up her throat. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly?Whathad gone wrong? “I need to know, Rubes, before we get home. I don’t want us to start off on the wrong foot.”
Sucking in a deep breath through her nose, Ruby opened her eyes and looked straight ahead. “Thatis the problem, Sash,” she said, her voice low. “There is no us, not like that. You’re moving way too fast, and I need you to back off a second. I’m freaking out here.”
The words did take Sasha aback, literally made her lean back in shock. “Wait. What?”
Ruby paused before turning to Sasha to take her hands and hold them tight. “You are my best friend. The last few days have been… I can’t tell you enough how amazing they’ve been.”
“Then why are you being like this?” Sasha asked, unable to stop the tears of hurt from springing to her eyes. “I thought everything was perfect. That we were on the same page, you finally saw how good we could be together…”
“Finally?” Ruby sat up straighter in her plane seat. “I see. My brother was right, and I really was the last to know.”
“To know what?” Sasha was bewildered by the entirety of this conversation. Her stomach was utterly in knots.
“That you had—have—feelings for me. And everyone knows it. But I didn’t, because you didn’t tell me.” Ruby let go of one of Sasha’s hands and rubbed her forehead. “I had to guess. I should have talked to you about it before we slept together. But…” She held Sasha’s gaze steadily. “Would you havetoldme? Even if I asked you directly?”
“I…” She had no answer. She’d held back her feelings for so long, too afraid of being hurt. But now it seemed like she was going to get hurt all the same. How stupid had she been?
Ruby sighed. “Sasha. Believe me, I have loved this fairy tale whirlwind. But I need time to adjust, to catch up to where you are. It feels like you’re hundred steps ahead.”
“So you don’t feel the same way about me?” The tears were trickling now, salty and hot on her cheeks. “Why did you… why did we do this, then? If you don’t have feelings for me?”
“Of course I have feelings for you!” Ruby cried out, gripping Sasha’s hands again. “But you’ve had time and space to think about your feelings, and I haven’t yet! It’s all a big ball of happy pink love-bubble bliss, and it’s a lot for me to think about, and I just want to be sure. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to just let me catch my breath.” She paused, and bit her lip. “Did you think we were just going to fall into this together and go back to LA as a couple?”
Sasha could barely admit to herself that she thought that theyhaddone exactly that. That she’d let herself get swept up into the perfect fairytale she thought she’d finally gotten. That she’d just assumed Ruby had understood.
How humiliating.
The Fasten Seat Belts sign went off. Sasha began to fumble with the buckle of her seat belt. Ruby grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”
“I need to find a new seat. I can’t do this, I can’t sit next to you, not when… I feel… I can’t.” Getting to her feet, Sasha snatched up her coat and backpack. Tears blinded her eyes, and she hastily wiped them away so she could find a flight attendant.
A blue-blazered young man touched her arm. “Can I help you?”
“I need a new seat,” Sasha blurted out, as she felt Ruby’s eyes boring into her back. “Please, I wouldn’t ask, but I’ve just had anargument with my…” The tears flooded back as she realized she had no idea how to refer to Ruby.
To her great relief, the flight attendant seemed to grasp the situation immediately. “I have a fully empty row just over here. Follow me?”