Page 27 of Loving Her

When Sasha pulled back to look at her, dread pooled in Ruby’s stomach.Please don’t say we need to talk again…

But Sasha only looked deeply into her eyes for a long, taut moment and asked, “Rubes. Are yousure?”

“Areyou? I think we know this has to happen.” Ruby countered, doing her best to square her shoulders against the bed pillows. “I brought you here. Was that not clear?”

Swallowing hard, Sasha smiled and took a deep breath. “Got it.”

Before Ruby could respond, blink, or even take her own breath, Sasha had lifted her breasts out of the boned velvet top of her dress and, with lips and tongue and wet fingertips, had her nipples standing to attention in seconds. Ruby gasped and her hips bucked upwards. She grabbed Sasha’s shoulders and clung on for dear life as whirls and sparks of pleasure flooded her body.

She couldn’t help the whimper that slipped from her mouth when Sasha pulled away to sit back. But frustration melted into quiet awe as Sasha, more confident than Ruby had ever seen her outside of a kitchen, slowly unbuttoned her shirt, her eyes fastened on Ruby’s as she pulled it off and tossed it to the floor. She had a black binder on underneath that she struggled slightly to pull off; her skin was red here and there with compression marks. Ruby sat up to trace her fingers along them.

“Does it hurt?”

Sasha’s eyes were dark and half-lidded as she watched Ruby’s wandering fingers. “Most of the time, no. It’s like a hug. Sometimes it chafes, like today. But it’s not a big deal.”

Leaning forward, Ruby kissed one of the red marks. Goosebumps bloomed along Sasha’s ribcage and overhead, she moaned softly. Ruby lay her palm over the pebbled skin and looked up to meet Sasha’s gaze. They’d never been so naked together, and they were only half undressed. “I want to see the rest of you. I want to see all of you.”

Sasha licked her lips. “I want to undress you,” she replied, her voice husky.

She started with the pins and flowers in Ruby’s hair, plucking them free one by one and tossing them onto the bedside table with tinny little plinks. Gradually, locks of Ruby’s hair tumbled down in silky crimson ribbons over her shoulders and bared breasts.

When every pin was gone, Sasha led Ruby to stand up in front of the mirror on the back of the door. With care, she inched the zipper down on Ruby’s dress. Ruby watched, mesmerized, as the dress was pushed to her feet in a puddle of satin. Her strapless bra was unhooked and discarded, her black silk pantyhose removed with reverence and kisses down the length of her thighs and calves.

She’d never felt so much like a goddess before. The tingles shot through her body like an ocean of electricity.

All that was left were her lacy black panties. Sasha was still in her trousers and shoes, still on her knees. Before Ruby could say a word, Sasha had leaned forward to press a kiss right on the damp gusset of the panties. Pulling them aside, she worked her tongue between the warm lips of Ruby’s pussy, the tip going right for her clit. With a sharp surprised breath, Ruby buried her hand in Sasha’s curly hair and held on for dear life.

Her entire world was that nimble tongue, the sucking lips, the teeth that nipped at the tender skin. Fingers slipped into where she was wet with desire, one, then two, pumping into her as Sasha licked and sucked at her clit. All of her senses were overloaded; the smell of sex, the feel of Sasha’s curls under her palm and Sasha’s fingers inside her body, the gasps in her mouth and the sounds of Sasha moaning and sucking between her legs. It felt so natural, it felt so good.

“Fuck me harder, I need it so bad,” Ruby moaned.

Without hesitation, Sasha quickened the pace, fucking Ruby deeper, harder, faster, every thrust jolting her body. The slick wetness of her core melted away around her.

Ruby wasn’t a virgin—she’d had great sex before, but for the first time in her life, she thought the wordtranscendentapplied to the experience. No one had made her feel like this, so revered, so good, so sexy.

Her legs gave out when the build up took over her body and hit her like a hurricane. Sasha guided her safely down to the ground with her free hand, her fingers still working within Ruby as wave after wave of pure pleasure pulsed through her.

“You are so fucking wet,” Sasha groaned as she worshipped Ruby’s body.

Ruby bit her lip, edging her body closer into Sasha’s. “Don’t stop fucking me, I’m going to cum so hard,” Ruby hummed.

Sasha’s body pressed harder over Ruby, her fingers stretching, fucking, filling her. She kissed her way down to Ruby’s swollen clit, desperate to give it attention.

As the circles traced around her wetness, she felt Ruby tighten around her fingers. She felt the almighty orgasm crash through her body as her body melted into a clump of fuzzy joy.

Awareness returned to her as they lay tangled on the pile of fine fabrics that had been her gown. Sasha had eased her hand free and was holding Ruby in her arms, against her warm, bare breasts. Ruby could feel her heart racing, that lovely and generous heart. “You good?” Sasha asked softly, pressing a kiss to Ruby’s temple.

“Amazing,” Ruby breathed, enjoying the feeling of being truly cared for. “I guess we’ve taken this fake relationship thing to the next level, right?”

But then she felt bereft as Sasha stood up and pulled Ruby to her feet after her. “Maybe we should took about this with clear heads…”

“Aw,” Ruby sighed. She’d hoped the cuddles would go on a bit longer.

To her surprise, Sasha led her to the bed and sat her down, then found a T-shirt and pulled it on. “Sit tight,” she advised.

“What for?” Ruby glanced around. “Should I get dressed, too?”

“Absolutely not!” Sasha looked shocked. “No, I said sit tight. I’m going downstairs for snacks and water. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t eat a lot before you dragged me away from the wedding.” She grinned. “We’re both going to need more energy if we want to take full advantage of this empty house. I’m not finished with you.”