Page 4 of Warmer, Colder

Following a long whistle, Nate bellows. “Damn, that was hot. Who knew Becca was into that.” His eyes skim over me as if seeing me for the first time. Whatever he sees during his appraisal brings a curling smile to his lips. “Well, I guess I owe Chleo that ten dollars after all. Can’t believe she’s about to win a decade-old bet.” He laughs and like usual, people follow his lead. “Looks like it runs in the family; maybe she’s not such a bore after all.”

“Shut up, Nate. I’m not . . . intothat.” Humiliation and fear ripple through me in uncomfortable heat waves that make this tiny slip of a dress feel like clinging wool. I purposely avoid thepointed gaze of my best friend; it’s too much to bear when I’m already crumbling beneath the judgment of my peers.

“No?” Nate steps closer. “So, what is it then? Are you just a slut like your brother?” The hateful words are like glass shards under my skin.

“Shut the hell up,” I hiss defensively. I can tolerate a lot being said about me, but nobody is going to insult Aiden in front of me.

“I bet you would love that.” He takes another step forward and my back bumps against the wall and this time, I seek shelter in its unrelenting surface. “If it was nothing, why don’t we give it another try? I bet I can make it count for something. My birthday gift to you.”

“I’ll pass. Like I said, it was nothing.” My focus is past Nate’s shoulder where I try to summon a defense for myself beyond all the curious eyes watching this disaster play out. I settle on the only reasonable explanation for what’s transpired here. “I’ve just had too much to drink. I’m not into you or her.”

The reason for this entire confrontation is standing closer to me now, her scoff loud and abrasive. “Sure felt like it.” Despite her accusatory words, her smoky voice threatens to rekindle the fire I’ve just put out.

The whispers around us grow louder as more people have stopped what they’re doing to watch this embarrassing interaction. Loyalty overriding her anger, Meg appears at my side. “She said she wasn’t into you.” She shifts slightly in front of me. “You shouldn’t have done that. Clearly, she’s had too much to drink. That last shot certainly didn’t help.”

Like a carnivore who’s spotted prey, her eyes move between me and my angry best friend; the palpable tension between Meg and I is blood in the water and she’s planning to strike. My stomach muscles clench as I brace myself for impact.

“The way she melted into my grasp and moaned into my mouth felt like an open invitation to me.”

“It wasn’t,” Meg and I insist in unison.

The blond leans forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief as they effortlessly read Meg. “Oh, I see,” she pouts mockingly, her hands sliding between her thighs as she squats down to our height. “Sorry, hun. Maybe you should have stepped up first if you wanted her so badly. Better luck next time.” She might as well have snapped Meg’s neck between her jaws and carried her off with that pointed assessment. Jealousy coils tightly in my best friend’s pained grimace and clenched fists.

“There’s not going to be any next time. For anyone,” I clarify. Instead of reaffirming, my mood sinks further.

The mysterious party crasher’s attention shifts from Meg to me, and she shrugs as if what she says next isn’t absolutely damning. “You know what I think.” Her perfect lips are inches from mine again. I dig my toes into the soles of my shoes holding myself in this exact spot. My neck remains rigid as she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear tickling the sensitive skin with the barely there touch of her nails. “I think…” Anticipation knotting my shoulders, I teeter at the precipice of the cliff she’s threatening to push me off of. “Thou doth protest too much.” Her smile grows wide and wicked as my body sways with uncertainty when she leans around us, grabs a paper towel off the counter, and brings it to her upper thigh. “In fact, it seems like things got a little wet.”

My chest and cheeks are surely tomato-red at this point.How dare she insinuate something so vulgar.

“Get out of my house.” I can’t think clearly with her so close to me. Not when she swipes that wretched tongue—the one that just invaded my mouth and pried those confused reactions from me—over her lush lips.

She snorts a laugh and rolls her eyes. “Sure thing, sweetheart. I’ll see you around.” Her hand snaps around mine before I can move out of her reach, and a wadded-up paper towel is stuffedbetween my clenched fingers. “In case you need to clean up.” Mercifully, she makes her exit without another word. I attempt to look anywhere but at the sway of her wide hips that draws attention to where the thin black fabric stretches over the round curve of her ass but I’m as helpless as everyone else who watches her walk away. The fact that it’s not just me who’s captivated by her presence quells some of my panic. She’s just one of those beautiful people who effortlessly commands a room.

The front door finally closes with a harsh thud that sets my teeth on edge. “Who the hell is she?” I seethe to no one in particular. “Who even invited her?” Several gazes flick away from me as my breathing becomes uneven and I begin to spiral. I don’t wait for an answer, I need a minute to recover from the pink-haired menace that just flipped my night upside down.

“Wait, Bec.” Meg is on my heels; her pursuit only makes me move faster.

The force with which I slam the slider behind me even makes me jump. Several people who thankfully missed the spectacle inside turn to look at me, including my other two best friends. I keep moving until I’m inside the casita. Thankfully, the sounds of the party are muted behind the thick door. I find myself in a reassuring cocoon of silence that finally allows me to drop my guard. My shoulders shake with the release of tension and corresponding tears. The reprieve is short-lived as the door opens behind me and I catch a glimpse of red curls.

“What the hell was that?” There’s a sharpness in her voice that we never use with each other.

“Fuck if I know?”

“Who is she?” The words are serrated, dripping red with anger. The infection between us irritated anew.

“No one. I have no idea. I’ve never seen her before.” Defensiveness has me stepping closer to her. My hackles rise. “She’s just a stranger who saw an opportunity to get undermy skin.Our skin. She just wanted to embarrass me.” Even as I say it, I doubt myself. There was something familiar about the woman and the way her skin felt against mine, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I don’t tell Meg that though, I need at least one person at this fucking party to believe me. “That was nothing, just a drunken mistake. Obviously, I was in shock. Wouldn’t you be?”

“You just said you weren’t into other women.” The air is heavy with expectation as Meg takes a step toward me.

My own humiliation and hurt is reflected in her eyes. “I’m not.” Even I hear the lilt of uncertainty.

“Sure, Becca,” Meg scoffs. “Whatever you say.” She tips back her red cup and drains its contents before throwing the door open and leaving me exposed to the people who cast questioning looks my way. I can’t hear their whispers over the blaring music. I don’t need to. I’ve been on this merry-go-round before.

She’s gay with that one weird girl.

We should move our desks; it might be contagious.

Cover yourself, she might try to sneak a peek.