Page 38 of Come Out, Come Out

“Isn’t that a fucking sight to behold? You’ve never looked more beautiful.” A phone camera shutters. Once. Twice. A third time. Then he’s standing in front of me. Calloused fingers wrap around my chin as he tilts my head up. Another photo.

“What are you doing?” I whimper, noticing it’s my phone in his hand.

“Don’t worry. These are just for you. When you think about hurting yourself, when you consider letting someone else touch you, look at this and see how sated you are crying for me. Remember who makes you feel like this. Remember who you belong to and maybe next time, I’ll let you come too.”

I manage a nod before I let my heavy eyes slide closed. I’m suddenly so tired as I feel Aiden’s arms sliding carefully under my legs and the measured steps he takes as he walks me to the couch. I sink into the pillows and let myself disappear into the sweet respite he’s given me.


August 13th, 2021 – 6:00 AM

Carefully, I re-dress a mostly unconscious Skye, then lay her on her stomach on the couch. Once she’s settled, I go up to her bathroom and find a clean washcloth, antibiotic ointment, sterile bandages, and medical tape. I didn’t go into this planning to cut her, but it was such a perfect way to claim her, for both of us. Once I clean and dress the words I’ve carved into her upper thighs, I grab us both a glass of icy water.

Skye takes long gulps, and I sit next to her so she can put her head in my lap. I stroke the wisps of hair that have come loose from her braids.

“The trust you’re showing me tonight, right now, is everything. But I need you to tell me the truth, are you okay?” I bite my lip to prevent myself from saying anything else.

Skye twists so she’s peering up at me. “Yes. I’m fine.”

I raise a brow, my stomach dropping as she gives me that trained answer she’s so used to giving everyone else.

“Better than fine, I feel . . . peaceful.” She sounds surprised at herself, but she licks her lips and continues. “Will you be honest with me now?” Skye waits for my nod. “Do you do this just for me?”

I study her, trying to understand what she’s asking.

“I mean . . . is this all role play for me? Or is this how you usually are?”

I smirk, understanding now where she’s going with this. “In life? I was definitely a true switch and I liked to experiment with everything. Now, I don’t know. All I know now is you. And with you, I need to know you’re mine. I’m not the same Aiden I was when I was alive. I guess, in part I am, but I’m so disconnected from the person that I once was. In death, I find it easier to give in to my more primal urges. There’s nothing suppressing them anymore.” I twist the silver ring on my pointer finger. “But if you’re asking if this is all for you, then yes, it started out that way. Now, the ownership I need over you–over your pain–is equally selfish. It’s an escape for me, a role I get to fill. It gives me purpose, something I’ve desperately needed since I died.”

“So, what, do you want to fix me, then? Am I project for you?” Defensiveness creeps into her tone.

“Fix you? No baby, we’re both too far gone for fixing. I want to take our messy pieces and create our own little fucked up jigsaw puzzle.” I brush my thumb against her pouting lips. “You have all the pieces I need to complete the hollow frame I’ve become.”

Gingerly, Skye turns to her side so she can face me. Her warm brown eyes search mine. “You don’t want to change me?”

“Never. What I want is to slip into the web of your mind, reach into the spaces where you hide your thoughts and help you take on your inner demons. I want to ease your suffering, but I would never begrudge you for it. I’ll be right there in the pits of your personal hell with you.”

She averts her watery gaze, and I don’t force her to meet mine, allowing her to focus so she can process everything, but I do link my fingers through hers to hold her attention. Sheneedsto hear this. She needs tobelieveit. “You never need to hide your darkness from me.” The pad of my finger catches the first tear that breaks free, and I press it to my lips, closing my eyes to savor the sweet essence that is her. She tastes like the finest sorrow. “I may be a ghost, but it’s you who haunts me. The way you look at me. The way you trust me despite everything. The way you cry out my name like it’ll save you. The way your pussy clenches around my cock before you give yourself over to me completely. The way you look, praying to me, when you’re on your knees. Everything about you is what I crave, and it’s been just out of reach.”

She gets up to her knees, wincing slightly when the bandaged skin of her thighs presses against her calves. Once we’re face to face, she keeps her eyes downcast but rests her forehead against mine. “Will you leave again?” Her eyes shut, her way of guarding herself from my answer.

“I don’t know; I think I’ll have to. I don’t understand why I’m only able to be like this sometimes. I wish I could control it. I want to be able to promise that it’ll be like this forever. But even when I’m not able to feel you and you’re not able to see me, I’m here. You’re not alone anymore. We’re still in this together.” I kiss her forehead and hold her face between my palms. “You’re mine, little wraith. As long as you’re here, we’re together.”

With a small nod, Skye wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my shoulder. I hold her tightly against me, savoring every breath that sends chills of need over my skin, every pounding beat of her heart, and every touch of her fingers against the nape of my neck. There will never be enough moments like this. After a while, Skye falls asleep, and I simply hold her. This is the best day I’ve had since I’ve died; I don’t want it to end.

But eventually, she shifts in my lap, rubbing her eyes and grabs for her phone. The screen lights up and it shows that it’s two in the afternoon.

“I need a shower,” she mumbles into my neck.

“Can you walk?” I stroke one of her messy braids.

She nods, presses a kiss to the tattoo at the center of my throat, and stands, her legs unsteady at first.

I follow her up the stairs and start the water while she takes some pain medication. Binx wraps his way around my legs, and I take the opportunity to pick him up, clutching him to my chest and scratching behind his ears.

Skye gives me a quizzical look when she returns.

“We’re friends.” I shrug and put the cat back down. I only have eyes for Skye right now. She goes to remove her clothes, but I grab her hand and pull her toward me as I lean my back against the bathroom counter. “Let me do it.” I run my fingers along the hem of her top, then pull it over her head. Next, I carefully remove her shorts and panties, avoiding the bandages on the back of her legs. “These need to come off too. Lean over the counter.” My cock twitches awake as she does as I ask and looks over her shoulder to watch me gently pull the gauze off each leg. I want to touch the lines I’ve carved into her skin. I want another taste of the affirmation that she’s mine. But they need to heal first. Instead, I skim my fingers up the sides of her legs and over her hips, then wrap my arms around her stomach and pull her back against his chest. Finally, I get to show her what I see—us,together.