Page 36 of Come Out, Come Out

My fingertips itch with the need to feel her soft skin beneath them. I tame them by linking them together and resting my elbows on my knees. My eyes are glued to the screen as she scrolls, but my purposeful avoidance is disrupted when her palm presses against my chest, urging me back into the couch.

“You can relax, you know? Don’t make it weird.” I laugh and force my limbs to loosen.

Skye selectsHouse of Waxand then shifts her attention to her phone. I try not to be nosy but notice that she puts in an order for pizza. We have an hour. A moment of awkwardness flits through me at the idea of having her pay, but then I remember I’m dead. I sink into the cushions, willing myself to relax. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her style her hair in two braids almost absentmindedly. A vision of them wrapped around each fist as she rides me comes to mind and I quickly try to dispel it before I get too turned on.

Skye shifts, the heat of her is irresistible and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her into my side. All the ways I’ve ever wanted to touch her wrestle for my attention. I rest my chin on her head as she leans into my lap and I can’t help myself from burying my nose against her scalp. It’s all I can do to not take a deep breath. I run my short navy nails up and down her bare arm, she lets out a content sigh that nearly melts me into a pool of helpless adoration, but then she rubs her palm over my cock through my jeans. My sharp inhale is the encouragement she needs as she climbs into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. I’m giddy as she presses against me. I feel like a goddamn teenager again.

Tentatively, her lips press against mine so delicately that I almost question whether I imagine the kiss, but then she continues with more courage. This is different than the other kisses we’ve shared. She’s offering me her softness; a lamb presenting herself to the wolf that won’t stop following her. She’s letting me take her neck between my teeth and trusting me not to spill her blood in my mouth. It feels like she belongs to me, even if it’s just for the moment. Skye’s long nails scrape at the back of my head possessively and I moan, letting myself be vulnerable too.

“Don’t let go.” I nearly beg as my hands palm her ass to pull her flush against me. My fingers slide under the fabric and squeeze, my hands overflowing. Everything about her is so luxurious and plentiful, offering the life and sustenance that was ripped away from me. “Now that I have the chance to tell you, I need you to know, I love these little fucking shorts.”

Skye encourages my hands to move as she grinds against me. I squeeze and rub, memorizing every dimple, but her breasts are competing for my attention. I catch her flimsy camisole in between my teeth, stilling her. “Off.” Instantly, she pulls it over her head, freeing her lush breasts. I claim her lips again and cup my hands around them, my thumbs caressing her nipples. She moans into my mouth, and it goes straight to my cock. I don’t know what’s better, the feeling of her nails digging into my scalp like she’s desperate to keep me here with her or the way her back bows to press into my hands.

Skye drags her lips down the front of my neck, sucking and licking. Her other hand undoes my belt and then the button. But as soon as I arch my hips up for her to free my aching cock, the doorbell rings and it’s like a bucket of cold water is poured over us as we both freeze.

“Must be the pizza.” My eyes catch on Skye’s reddened lips as she pulls her top back on and dismounts my lap. “Coming!” she shouts as she rushes to the door.

“Hello again, Skye,” a woman purrs.

“Oh, umm, hi,” Skye responds nervously. It piques my interest, and I find myself standing and walking into the living room, not bothering to fix my pants.

“Need help?” I ask in feigned innocence as my knowing gaze pins the blond standing in the doorway. The word I want to growl is chipping away at the enamel it’s caged behind. My body quivers with the restraint I’m exuding not to take Skye on the floor right in front of the delivery driver who looks at her like she has some kind of claim on her. As if she could ever be anything butmine.

Skye tenses, noticing my rigid posture and the way my teeth are set between my tightly smiling lips. She gives a nearly imperceptible shake of her head. “We’re good here.” She returns her attention to the blond with the preppy ponytail. “Thanks so much, I already tipped in the app.” She grabs the pizza and closes the door before the other woman can respond, but based on the shocked look on her face, she expected Skye to be alone—alone and open to extending an invitation.

“Who’s that?” I ask, trying to keep the jealousy out of my voice now that the threat is gone. Needing something to do with my hands other than grab Skye, I run a hand through my disheveled hair.

“Oh, she just delivered to me at the, um, other place I tried to rent.” Her cheeks redden.

I ignore the painful reminder of her leaving me, but I’m not as successful at clamping down on the possessiveness that’s worming its way through the pit of my stomach.

Skye turns to me, mid-bite of her pizza slice, then sets it down when she registers the change in my demeanor. She laughs in disbelief. “You have no right to be jealous. You come and go with zero warning. I had no idea why you left, where you went, or when you’d be back. You can’t expect me to have been sitting around waiting.” Only she was, and we both know it. Her chest flushes. “We’re not in a relationship, Aiden. You’re acting like I belong to you.”

“You do.” I step toward her and cup her cheek. “And I’m going to show you.”

Defiant eyes meet mine and I stroke my thumb over her skin, trying to rekindle some of the vulnerability and openness she was showing me before we were interrupted. Finally, she relaxes into it, her eyes turning molten.That’s my girl.I take my first deep breath in the last few minutes. I should have known better.

“Do your worst.” She turns her head quickly and bites my thumb. When I gasp in pain, she sprints in the other direction. It takes me a few seconds to catch up to what she’s playing at.Fuck, I love this woman.


August 13th, 2021 - 3:00 AM

My breath stutters as my lungs grasp for the last wisps of air that haven’t completely dissipated yet. Playful fear and arousal swim through me in a violent current, the instability making my head cloudy, but I force myself to focus. Every ounce of attention I can gather zeros in on the floorboards creaking beneath Aiden’s heavy boots as the weak slats splinter like my composure. I can feel the wood shift under my shins that press into the floor under all two-hundred-and-eighty-plus pounds of me. He’s a few feet away, at most, from the hall closet I’m crouched in.

My entire body vibrates with the need for his hands to be on me. As I recall the jealousy in his tone, my clit throbs in time with my racing heart.The poor organ.I’ve put it through so much and we’ve just begun. Anticipation sears my skin in chills as the seconds tick by. I know what happens when I get caught, and I want it. I want it so badly. I wonder how much he’ll torture me before he gives in. He’s upset that I wanted to fuck someone else—I remember the couple I called over. It’s so damn hard to wait when he was gone so long. I would have done it too, if he hadn’t scared them off. A girl like me needs to be fucked and filled and used. It’s one of the few things that keeps the worst of my thoughts at bay. Despite that, I did learn to wait for him. I could have had Melissa all over that rental, yet I didn’t.Can’t I get a little credit?

The oppressive presence of him on the other side of that door is a resoundingno. His need to own me shouldn’t turn me on so much but,fuck, it does. I press my lips together to suppress an impatient whine. I want his thick cock pumping inside me and filling the aching emptiness I’ve felt for the last few months until I’m gasping and crying for it to stop. I want his perfectly tailored punishment to bring me to my knees while I beg for mercy. The thought alone has me dripping; my thin shorts are soaked. I clench on nothing and it’s everything I can do not to cry out and beg him to fuck me already. The floorboards groan again, mocking me. My chest stills as I hold my breath.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” His rasping voice sings the words in a distorted tune. The rusted squeak of the handle is the only warning I get before the door tears open and he yanks me forward by my shoulders.

My breasts are spilling out as I’m pulled against him. I can barely stand having clothing between my body and his. I twist in his grip, desperate for friction. Aiden’s gray-blue eyes drag over every dip and curve of my fat body with pure desire.

“You want me to touch you so badly, don’t you?” He looks down at the way our bodies press together like I’m trying to will him inside of me. “You’re such a needy little whore for everyone who comes around here, huh?”

I shake my head vigorously.

Aiden tuts, and his ringed fingers close around my jaw. “Liars don’t get rewarded, they get punished, love.”