I push him away before I melt further into him.
We all walk out to Grayson’s truck and Lachlan heads over to a black suburban, him and his siblings piling in after him.
Gray and I get in the truck and follow them. Grayson’s hand grips my knee. “You did good with Lainey, Angel.”
I shrug. “I just made her see her brother’s side. And to be honest, I don’t like that there’s a chance I will have to leave you, but I get it.”
“I know. I really fucking hope it doesn’t come to that but if it does, I feel better knowing you’re safe.”
“Yeah. Yeah.” I say, leaning into him and intertwining our fingers together.
Grayson kisses my head and leans his head on top of mine.
We drive in silence for a while before something dawns on me. I sit up. “Hey Bear?”
Grayson glances at me briefly before turning his attention back to the road. “Yeah?”
“Why would I call Wes? Why not Landon? He helped organize all of this?”
“Because Angel. Wes has access to a helicopter and can get to us a lot quicker than Landon could. Plus, if shit hits the fan, I want whatever scary shit that goes on inside that dude’s head to help make the asshole who caused it, regret it.”
“Oh okay…”
And just like that I’m reminded that my future brother-in-law still scares me a little, but I wouldn’t have him any other way.
Chapter Thirteen
GraysonandIwaitfor Lachlan, Miles, and Lainey to give us the signal that they are ready.
I climb into Gray’s lap and wrap my arms around his neck. We sit in silence, and I think it is exactly what we both need. Second by second, I feel Grayson relax as I run my hands through his hair at the nape of his neck.
Grayson’s phone lights up showing his background. I smile when I see it’s me laughing sprawled out on the bed in his ‘The Needle’ shirt and sweats, with Willow and Oliver attacking my face.
Lachlan: Bringing Lainey over. Miles is ready to go.
Grayson drops his forehead to mine. “Remember what I said. I love you more than life itself, Angel. I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you too Bear. Come back to me.”
“Always, pretty girl.”
He presses a soft kiss on my lips, and I hug him tighter before returning to my seat.
Lachlan and Lainey wait outside speaking softly to Miles. Grayson says something to Lachlan, but I don’t catch it as Lainey climbs into the seat behind me.
Lainey doesn’t take her eyes off her brothers and we both watch as Grayson and Miles make their way towards the house. It doesn’t look like it has any lights on. I see Miles pass Grayson a knife. I know he already has his gun tucked into the back of his pants. He has kept it in the nightstand at the rental and I know he has at least two more in the truck.
Once the two disappear into the darkness, Lachlan climbs into the truck.
We sit in silence for a while before I hear Lainey moving around in the back. I turn in my seat and the look in her eyes tells me she is trying hard not to freak out.
“Hey. If this is too nosy, let me know. But all of you have an accent that I don’t hear often up here.”
Lainey smiles and she catches on to what I’m doing. Distract the shit out of ourselves so we don’t flip the hell out.
“Yeah. We are all from Georgia. Lachlan got a job up here after he got out of the Navy; Miles and I followed him up here. My aunt and uncle are still down there because the cold is too much for them.”