Page 13 of Such a Lovely Omega

Chapter Eleven


I stopped with my hand on my front doorknob. A rush of doubt and nervousness slid down my body and suddenly, I was rethinking every choice.

My outfit.

My shoes.

Hell, even my haircut. I’d gotten one this morning. The barber said it made me look younger, but I felt like a walking mousse commercial.

A text came through. Alex asking me if I’d left the house yet. I called him instead of texting back. His voice would give me the push I needed to see this through.

As much as I was nervous about the club and actually participating in Alex’s preference, I was equally excited and intrigued.

“I should’ve come to get you,” he answered instead of a hello.

“I’m getting into the Uber now. You had work to do. Hear that?” I shut the door of the car and greeted the driver.

Alex made a noise deep in his throat. “I’m eager to see you. I’ll meet you at the front desk.”

I hung up and focused on breathing in and out for the ride to Cuffed. When I arrived, the man at the front door greeted me by name.


Once I saw Alex, a surge of joy threatened to make me lightheaded. I reached out to grab the desk, but he came over and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m really happy to see you too, West. Let’s get you cuffed.”

They gave me a leather bracelet and put it on my right hand after checking my ID to the chagrin of Alex.

“How about we get a drink and talk first. You’re looking paler by the second.” Alex led me to the bar with a hand on the small of my back. The music was loud, but I would swear my heartbeat was even louder. “What do you want?”

I leaned in to him. “I can’t even think straight.”

Alex tugged me against his body. “How about something sweet, like you?”

His nearness gave me instant calm. “Sounds good.”

He ordered me a dirty horchata but for himself nothing.

“Why aren’t you drinking?” I asked.

“I already had a glass before you got here. I’m nervous about what you might think of me and the things I want to show you tonight. Never been so damned nervous.”

Leaning up on my toes, I kissed his chin and then his lips. “I won’t judge you if you don’t judge me.”

One of his hands snaked around my waist and brushed my ass. “I would never. Do you want to go sit down and talk, or would you like a tour?”

“Let’s talk a bit first,” I offered. The bass of the music was beginning to soothe me. We picked a booth shrouded in darkness. It gave us a bit of privacy.

“How did my accounting setup work for you? Any issues?” Alex’s thighs pressed against mine as he faced me.

“No issues at all. I got the first notification on my phone this morning that a bill was coming up. You really helped me. Thank you.”

His dark eyes roamed my face as he smiled. “Anything for you. Tell me more about you. I find myself wanting to know everything. Your favorite color. Music. Hobbies. Interests. Last night, I was scrolling on Netflix and wondered what you would like to watch if you were next to me.”

“Oh. I like crime documentaries, and I watch a lot of movies over and over.”

Alex’s eyebrows bunched. “Because you like them?”