Somehow I couldn’t see a downside to being attached forever to my omega. Of course, the knot did go down, but that was no reason to stop cuddling, so I didn’t. I simply turned him away and helped him to set his body pillow in place to support his stomach then spooned him, nuzzling the spot on his neck that would bear my mark for the rest of his life. And I went to sleep with one hand resting on the bump that held our child.
My last thought as sleep took me was that my omega liked spanking. It was a good start.
Chapter Twenty-One
“There’s a screw left. Oh, no. There are two screws left.” Picking up the tiny things was a project of its own.
“Maybe they sent us more screws than we need?” Alex suggested, shrugging. I hadn’t requested he put our baby’s crib together wearing only low-slung pajama pants, but I was so not mad about it. I sat in the rocking chair while he worked, the planes and valleys so alluring as his muscles tensed and relaxed.
I was mated to some kind of demigod.
Alex stood and made a show of shaking the crib this way and that and deemed it stable. He turned around, hands on his hips. “Our cub won’t be creating earthquakes in there so I’m sure it’s fine. Let’s get the bed made up. First, the mattress.”
We made up the bed, and Alex laid the rug down.
“That’s it, I think.” We stood back and admired our work.
“It’s a beautiful room, but I plan on having our babe as near as possible. At least for the first year.”
Alex wrapped his arms around the top of my waist since that was the part of me he could encircle. Gods, I was getting huge. “That’s why we got the cradle for the bedroom, West. And the Moby Wrap to keep them near.”
I shook my head. “Silly of me. I’m possessive over our cub and they’re not even out of my body yet.”
“That just means you’re going to make an amazing father. But I already knew that. You take such good care of me.”
I leaned to the side and kissed his head. “Here, I thought it was you who took care of me.”
“We take care of each other. Oh, look what time it is. We have to get to your healer appointment.”
We rushed out the door and made it to the appointment with no time to spare.
“Good afternoon, you two. Are we excited to see your little one?”
Until the healer mentioned the ultrasound, I’d been too busy rushing to the appointment to let my nerves get the best of me.
“We are,” Alex answered, squeezing my hand. Our cub tumbled inside me. Maybe he knew he was about to be in a tiny movie and wanted to show off.
I hoped he had Alex’s dark eyes. A little Alex running around would be my dream come true.
“Now, Alex, I’m going to lift your mate’s shirt and put some of this gel on his belly. Then I will take this wand and move it around to get a clear picture.”
Alex sat on the stool next to the bed and laughed. “Yes. I’ve seen ultrasounds on TV and movies.”
The healer chuckled. “Yes, but many an alpha has growled or nearly attacked me for touching their mate. Never can be too careful.”
The screen lit up as the healer smoothed the wand along my belly. The gel was cool. “Oh, there they are. Look at that.”
On the screen, I saw blobs and circles encircling more circles but nothing that looked like a baby. “A little help?” I laughed.
“Sure,” the healer said. “There is the head and the legs. Oh, I forgot to ask. Did you want to know the sex?”
I deferred to Alex. We had discussed it before, and I wanted it to be a surprise.
My mate smiled. “Can you tell me and not him? He wants it all to be a surprise.”