Precisely why I wanted to have him near me when I broached the subject. The subject of my mate being pregnant.
“Good. I always want you to feel safe with me. I think I know what’s causing you all these issues, West.”
“What is it?”
“We’ve been together for months. How many times have we made love?”
A blush crept up his neck and settled in his cheeks. “A couple of times.” He and I shared a laugh. We both knew it was many times.
“I think one of those times, we might’ve made a baby.”
If I thought he was pale before, now he had zero color. Even his blush from a few seconds ago had fled the scene. “You…do you really think so?” He looked down at his abdomen and then back to me. “We need to get a test. I have to know.”
“Give me two seconds. There’s one in my car. I bought it on the way.”
He reeled back. “Did you? What a thoughtful alpha.”
I winked at him and got the test from the car. He insisted that I go in his en suite with him while he took the test.
Then we waited.
And waited.
Waited some more.
The timer on my phone went off. West’s stare met mine and I could feel the tension flowing between his animal and mine.
And a little splice of hope.
“Here goes nothing,” he said and walked toward our fate.
Chapter Fifteen
I collapsed into a heap right there in my bedroom. Alex moved to catch me, but I was too fast. In my hands was the white plastic stick with the two lines that had just changed our lives with a bit of biological testing.
“Everything is going to be okay,” Alex said, sitting beside me. He wrapped me up in his arms, and I melted against his warmth.
My wolf was beyond pleased.
We were having pups—something I thought was out of reach for me for so long.
“I’m pregnant,” I whispered the obvious, hoping that saying it out loud would lessen the blow.
“You are,” he cooed.
“I have something to tell you,” I said.
His eyebrows raised. “You do? Tell me.”
“You’re my mate. I know I said I didn’t know or was confused, but I’m sure now. You’re mine. And I’m yours.” I pulled his hand from my back to my stomach. “And this cub or pup is ours.” Tears ran down my face. “You’re mine, Alex. You have been since that night in your office.”