Page 58 of Unexpected Gifts

“What do you mean?”

Abby hesitated, thinking about what to say exactly. “I mean that tonight’s been really special to me. This whole place is like something from a movie or a favorite book. The lights and music—skating with all these happy people around me. Holding your hand. Watching the kids having so much fun. All of it. I won’t ever forget this night.”

“Me either.” He tugged her closer to the edge of the rink and then guided her off the ice. Next thing she knew, he’d pulled her into an embrace.

Goodness, he felt so good. His muscular chest and arms enveloped her, made her feel petite despite her height. She could stay like this forever and never want for another thing.

She glanced at the ice. The three children were still together, Jack and Lily singing along to the music. Sophie, probably aware of her friends, didn’t sing, but she was smiling, and her cheeks glowed from the fresh air. Abby couldn’t be sure, but she seemed better, less anxious the last few days.

Please, God, let her be all right. Let all of us be okay.

Was she going to be all right? Were all of them going to make it through this? Tonight, it seemed as though they might.

“Hey now, what’re you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?” Luke brushed a finger against her cheek, staring into her eyes, clearly unaware of the stares they garnered.

“Hoping we’re all going to make it through the holidays okay,” Abby said truthfully. “And praying I’m enough.”

“You are. Trust me. You’re brave and smart and stunningly beautiful. No one can do this like you can.”

“That may all be an overstatement, but thank you.”

“I’m going to kiss you now unless you stop me.”

“I won’t stop you. But you do know everyone’s staring at us, right?”

“Let’s give them something to talk about then,” Luke lowered his head, his lips barely brushing hers.

“Isn’t that a song?”

“One of the best ever.” Luke went in for another kiss, this time less soft, more urgent.

Fat, lazy flakes danced under the lights and made the scene almost unbearably beautiful.

And this man? How was it possible that he lit her from the inside out? He made her feel alive and young and desirable. The way he looked at her. The way he kissed her.

“I could get used to this,” Abby said.

“I’m counting on that.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the kids approaching. She stepped outside of his arms and immediately felt the cold surround her. She looked at Sophie, praying the little girl wouldn’t be upset.

“Can we get hot chocolate now?” Sophie asked.

“And a cookie?” Jack asked.

Cocoa and a cookie. That she could do.

“Me too?” Lily asked.

Luke laughed and picked her up, kissing her forehead before setting her back on the floor. “Treats, and then we’ll hit the road, toads.”

Lily giggled. “We’re not toads.”

“Frogs then?” Luke asked, catching Abby’s eye.

In that moment, everything seemed to make sense. The journey that had brought her here, all the things she’d had to give up, faded into nothingness. This was her life now. She was a mother. Perhaps someday, she and Luke could fully merge their lives. For now, she would simply enjoy the newness of this unexpected courtship. As she’d told the children earlier, they were making memories. Ones they would cherish for however long they remained in this world.

None of the accolades or degrees or even money compared to this exact moment in time. This magical moment with the lights twinkling overhead, the snow falling, the children’s glowing faces, and the man of her dreams reaching to take her hand seemed the pinnacle, so much more important than anything she’d ever done before.