Looks like it’s his turn to come up with a new, inventive way to make me squeal.
Gentle kisses trail over my flesh, and his hands start to move to their favorite perch. My sensitive breasts that erupt pleasure straight to my core at Romeo’s touch.
“What’s that?” I ask, sinking my hands into his head and grabbing a handful of his hair. Using my new leverage, I pull it closer to his destination as my body shakes in eager anticipation.
And like the master of suspense Romeo is, he keeps me hanging by a thread as his tongue flicks out and makes a long run over my sex. My hips buck instinctively at the sensation, closing any gap between my body and his mouth.
Hungry growls rumble between my legs. I must have set him off, as not a second later, Romeo’s tantalizing nibbles, kisses, and licks ascend my belly. Over the hills of my breasts and down the crest to my neck. His cock bobs eagerly where his mouth just finished, and the hefty head knocks desperately at my entrance.
No need for knocking, my beast. You’re always welcome inside.
“You don’t remember what we spoke about?” he asks, grazing my earlobe with his teeth.
“We’ve spoken about a lot,” I answer, arching my hips into his erection. It slides haphazardly against my wetness, and we buckle and moan in synchronicity.
“Yes, but it’s the pressing question I’m addressing.” On the wordpressing, Romeo thrusts his hips forward. The mix of pressure from his girth and the way it glides against my clit makes me whimper.
He’s teasing me, and it won’t stop until I’ve figured out what’s gotten him in such a devilish mood.
Game on, my love. You know I don’t like to lose.
“Selling the apartment and buying a house?”
“Wrong.” He follows it with another buck of the hips and a squeeze of my breasts.
“The wedding?”
He grins at me, leans in, and gives me a deep kiss. In tandem, he moves one hand away from its favorite place and between our bodies.
“Wrong again.” His hand shuffles between our bodies for a while until it grabs hold of the base of his cock firmly. He uses it to guide his thick girth into me.
I’m surprised my brain still has any function left, yet through his intoxicating actions, the answer comes to mind. My arms swing wildly over his shoulders, latching onto him for dear life and sheer excitement. “Having a baby?”
“Bingo,” he says, slamming his length inside of me.
I receive him fully, crying out both from the intense sensations and the fireworks of excitement filling my head.
“And if we’re gonna do it, might as well start right fucking now.” He has a crazed look in his eyes again. The same one he always gets when we’re about to destroy his sheets and each other.
“You’re serious?” I feel like I want to cry. Ever since we walked away from the nightmares at Mayfair Manor, it’s all I could think about. Carrying my beast’s child. Bringing him or her into a loving home and giving them the life I could only dream of.
“I am. I want it more than anything. I was scared before. Scared I wouldn’t be able to raise a child. Give it the world and never look back. But with you at my side, I can move mountains. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” His legs give out halfway through his speech, bouncing his cock around inside me. He moans, collapsing further until his face is resting next to my ear on the pillow.
The sensations are too good to stop but too intense to stay this serious. We both know it.
“I love you, Jess. So fucking much. And there’s no better time than right now to start this family,” he whispers between bated breaths.
“And I love you. More and more each day.” I dig my palms into his chest and flip Romeo on his back.
I climb on top of him, returning his cock to its home inside me. Sinking lower and lower, inspiring a fresh wave of noises and painstakingly pleased looks.
“Now, pump a baby into me,” I command when I’ve regained my composure from the initial acceptance of his enormous meat.
Like a good soldier, Romeo does as told. He grabs my hips, holding me in place, while his hips thrust from below, slamming into me with aching want.
Right here, with our sweaty bodies smashing together in this tantric dance, we usher in our lives. One of beauty, love, and family.