Bang! Bang! Bang!
It’s a war zone out there. Like an armada of soldiers has stormed Mayfair Manor to rescue me. Maybe it is. Romeo said Salvatore Lione wants Father destroyed, and my guess is he’s called in the big guns. Not that there are any weapons larger than his tree trunk arms.
“What the fuck is going on out there?” Father roars at the two men standing watch in the corner of the room. They barged in here a few minutes after the shooting started, peering nervously at the door ever since.
“It’s that fucking brute,” Martin hisses.
“You.” Father points at the priest. He’s been here a while now and bit off way more than he was willing to chew by doing so. “Get on with it. I want this marriage sorted. Immediately.”
“But there’s shooting.” The priest’s lip trembles.
As fucked up as it sounds, I appreciate Father’s attempt at demeaning and bullying me one last time. Had he not felt theneed to force me into a wedding dress and get my makeup done before he left me to Martin, the papers would’ve been signed, and my life as a free woman would be over.
“I don’t give a fuck. Have them say the lines, sign the papers to—” A knock at the door silences Father. If he was scared in front of me before, he hid it well. But the way his head slowly arches to the knock while he recoils away from it is a beautiful sight indeed.
“Who’s there?” He tries to growl the words and match the furious temper he’s known for. Instead, he sounds like a purring kitten.
“Housekeeping.” It’s just like him to throw out a cheesy one-liner in the heat of battle. Brazen, careless, and free.
My Romeo.
“Why are you smiling?” Martin hisses.
I ignore his question. Fuck him.
“What did I tell you, Valesca?” Father raises his hand to the two guards with a finger pointed to the ceiling. A commanding gesture to his soldiers leveling their guns on the door.
“Don’t know. I got hit pretty hard last time I saw you,” Romeo calls back. “Never start with the head if you want to drive a point home. It leaves you all fuzzy.”
“Then let me remind you.” He drops the finger, and his two guards rain bullets toward the door. They don’t stop until their magazines run dry and a splintered hole replaces what used to be solid wood. “Still out there?”
“No clever remarks? Witty quips?” Father cautiously sticks his neck out to inspect the scene.
My face sinks. No, it can’t be. Romeo did all this just to fall so close to his goal? It’s hard not to blame myself for this. Had I not indulged Romeo the night we met, he’d never have become another victim.
“Get on with it, you stuffy cunt,” Father says to the priest, sighing in relief.
Oh God. What have I done?
“Honored guests,” the priest starts as if he didn’t just witness a murder. “We’re gathered here today?—”
The belittling tone doesn’t feel so good anymore, with the man I think I love splattered across my hallway. It’s made worse by Martin taking my hands by the fingertips and holding me as though there actually is a spark between us.
“What the hell happened to the door?” Romeo’s voice comes from behind. It’s quickly followed by two well-placed gunshots that drop Father’s guards behind the priest. “I had to take a piss.”
“What the fuck?” Martin releases his grip on me and reaches for a pistol behind him.
He barely clears the holster before another echoing clap rings in my ears. Martin screeches as he falls through the red mist of a gunshot exit wound. The priest stumbles back and topples the guards below him.
“Don’t do it, old man,” my beast says. The lighthearted nature he carried a moment ago was gone. He’s gravely serious and wantsFather to know it. “If those hands move, you’re going to regret it.”
I remember our first meeting. How intimidated I was to gaze upon all his glory. Butterflies swarm in my belly at the anticipation of peering into his burning eyes again.
“You’re threatening me?” Father’s on his ass, cowering in the corner. I didn’t even see it happen with everything going on around me.