Even though I know that a recording will not be admissible in court, I reach for my phone.
“You see,” Alice begins. “I like money—lots of it. So, I went to Eric. Seduced him. And when Brandon found out he was sad,” she makes a mocking, frowny face.
“But as you know, men are simple creatures,” her words are slurred. “I told him that I would stop. The two-timing, I mean.”
I nod, urging her to continue with a smile.
“I didn’t stop, of course. But he was so in love with me that he believed me. Then Eric ran into trouble, and he stopped giving me money. I wanted to leave, but he was going to tell Brandon.
So, to protect myself, I went to Brandon first, and I told him that Eric was dealing drugs and was using his name.” She laughs at her clever plan.
“And what did Brandon do?”
She shakes her head. “The bastard threatened to not only expose Eric but also implicate me. I couldn’t let it happen, so I went to his house. I was only going to scare him, but he was toostubborn. Then he kept talking about how he should have never believed me or cheated on Savannah, blah blah blah.”
“And?,” I say to get her to continue.
“What else?! I got so mad, and I stabbed him! He died! The end.” She laughs again.
Her voice is loud enough that it draws attention.
Good. Very good.
“No,” I laugh mockingly. “There is no way you would have done that.”
“You underestimate me. I feel like I haven’t proven myself to you.”
“You are not saying it like someone capable of murder,” I say loudly.
Like a drunk person desperate to be believed, Alice places her hand on her chest. “I killed him. Brandon, that smug bastard—thinking he’s better than everyone when he cheated on his fiancée.”
“Then I framed Savannah because she deserved it! For the video, I paid someone to make it look like she was in his house when it was all me,” she adds.
The attention now is of disbelief, and I see a couple of people with their phones out, recording the entire thing. She is too drunk to even notice.
“What about Eric and Brandon?” I ask, trying to cover all loopholes. “A pawn shop owner said they were arguing about money.”
She laughs. “They had a deal. Brandon was going to borrow money to pay for his wedding. When Eric decided not to loan him the money, they argued.”
I see. So, the shop owner had it wrong.
Then Alice leans closer. “The knife,” she snaps her fingers.
“Go on.”
With a smile, she cups her hands around her mouth.
“I didn’t place the real knife in her house. That would have implicated me because it’s a knife I gave Brandon. I found a different one and soaked it in his blood.”
I nod. “Where is it?”
I don’t get the answer to that because her head lolls over, and she falls on my lap. Ignoring the judgmental looks of people at the surrounding tables, I go to the bartender.
“That lady there. Could you make sure she gets to a hotel?” I tell him the name of the hotel. “Add a note, please. Tell her that something came up and I had to rush home, but I’ll be back.”
He nods in agreement.