If I have to put up with this any longer, I might dig a hole and bury myself.
I’d rather be dead than live with the memory of two days ago, hearing Savannah calling my name and turning to see her standing there and I say nothing.
At that point, I did want to die. It would have been better than having to explain what I was doing.
But I also knew that taking her side would mean losing my alliance with Alice that I have worked so hard to form.
I need to get the truth from this wretched woman who has downed more than half the bottle of champagne while we sit at this bar.
All the while talking about how proud she was that she fooled Savannah.
After I told Peter that I needed to get Alice to think I was on her side, I reached out to her. All I had to do was throw a couple of signs in the wind, and she came running, thinking I was genuinely interested.
I was glad things were going according to plan.
Until Savannah showed up.
The look in her eyes as she spoke, as she pled with me to say something that would make sense, broke me.
I hurt her.
God, I hurt the only woman I have wanted to protect fiercely in such a long time.
“You know,” Alice’s fingers touch my hand suggestively, and I hold back the bile that rushes up to my mouth, “I am happy she found us. I purposely left my location on, hoping that she would be curious enough to come look for me.”
So, I walked into a trap, too.
She laughs. “Savannah might be smart in a lot of ways, but when it comes to trusting the right people, she might be one of the stupidest people I know.”
I grit my teeth, struggling not to remove her hand, and let her drunken ass hit the floor.
“I see. But do you think she really killed Brandon?” I worm the question casually into the conversation. “Or is she working with Eric?”
Alice snorts. “Eric? That pussy? He doesn’t have the balls to hurt anyone, much less the brains. I mean,” she smiles, “he did find a way to make more money than Brandon, and I couldn’t let some other woman have him.”
I store that information.
“I see. Smart. Cunning. And you are the more interesting friend,” I appeal to her ego.
Her face comes too close to mine, and I gag. Her smile is crooked. “You think? I can also keep a secret. I didn’t tell Brandon that Eric was running a drug business and using Brandon’s name to do it.”
Bingo! I knew there had to be a falling out between the two. But there could have been only one way for Brandon to find out.
My lips purse. The person who is capable of keeping a secret must have spilled.
“Why did you tell Brandon then?”
She frowns. Then she smiles, wagging her finger in my face.
“You are clever, aren’t you? We are birds of a feather, you and me,” she swoons.
“True. If you get another bottle, no,” she shakes her head, “a shot of whiskey, I will tell you the whole story.”
I signal for the bartender to bring the whiskey. Alice drinks it down.
“Okay!” she yells. “I am not one to toot my own horn, but I will tell you because you have been so sweet to me. Besides, it has been killing me to keep it inside, and I need someone to know how clever I am.”