My jaw drops as I watchthem get into his car. Then I follow. Fifteen minutes later, Michael stops in front of a building. They both get out.
And I do the same.
“Michael,” I call out.
The look of shock on his face tells me that I’ve caught them red-handed.
“You,” I point to Alice. “And you,” I don’t bother pointing to Michael. “What the hell is going on here?”
Alice steps forward. “What? Are you that surprised to see us together? I like Michael—I’ve liked him since the first time wemet at your office. So, I suggested we go out and it just so happens that he likes me, too.”
“Surely, you don’t think I stole him? Did he ever really belong to you?” She says smugly.
I am more than mad. I am…hurt. I feel it like a knife wound festering in my chest because I trusted her again. I should have known that Alice would pull something like this. Again. Why am I so freaking stupid??
I face Michael.
“I get that you can do whatever you want, and I can’t stop you. But is this why you bailed on my case? So, you could have time with Alice, or were you hiding her from me?”
Alice doesn’t let him respond. She takes one step closer and I can see the malice on her face.
“Take the hint Savannah you have never been good enough, even when Brandon saw you less and less you just never got it,” she says as she delights in words.
“In the end, he found someone else and in your overwhelming jealousy, you killed him.”
I’m stunned.
“I killed him?” I yell.
She shrugs. “I mean, who else? You have attachment issues, don’t you? You told me about it when we were in college, how you couldn’t let go of relationships. Obviously, you were livid that Brandon would want someone other than you.”
“And when he wanted the ring back, you begged him to meet you in that restaurant. Then you stalked him all the way home. That is why there is a video of you in his house close to the time of his death. You,” she points at me, “killed your ex-fiancé and I would appreciate it if you stayed away from Michael before you get any other sick ideas,” she rants.
The mask completely falls off and I regret everything—from telling Alice about my issues when we were in college to trustingher with my personal life and then stupidly forgiving her after she betrayed me.
“I told you,” I feel the need to defend myself, “that the attachment issue was due to me thinking there was something I wasn’t doing right. That my relationships ended because I wasn’t giving a hundred percent. And I told you that in confidence,” I continue.
“And it stemmed from the father I had, who was never satisfied with the results I produced. I told you that I was working on it in therapy, and you were the first to know when I was getting better.”
She snorts. “Better? That is what you told me to hide the truth. I see past your lies, Savannah. I have always been smarter than you. You are gullible and dumb to a fault. That is why I got Brandon and now, Michael,” she boasts.
I turn to Michael, who through the back-and-forth exchange has remained quiet.
My eyes are pleading, asking for an explanation.
“Why?” I ask. “You could have told me to stay away. You could have pushed me away instead of giving me hope. I… does Peter know about this?”
“Your brother?” Again, Alice responds. “He is as gullible as you are.”
I’m surprised that Michael has nothing to say, knowing the kind of person he is. I’m almost tempted to think that Alice has something over Michael, which is the reason why he is quiet.
But who would one-uptheMichael Stone?
“Right,” I smile tightly. “Thank you for letting me know. I hope you two get exactly what you deserve.”
As I turn away, tears gather in my eyes. I blink stubbornly, forcing them to stay at bay. I have cried enough, and I will not waste my tears on people who do not deserve them.
Chapter 28