A devious grin spreads on my face. I haven’t had the pleasure of working on a challenging, wild goose chase case in over a year.

I am going to like this!

I head out of the house after giving the messenger a few bucks and I climb into my car. As soon as I do, I bring out the envelope and open it.

It’s a medical report from a hospital, and the patient’s name is Savannah Richmond. I read through, eyes narrowing when I came to the diagnosis.

According to what is written here, Savannah has been undergoing treatment for abandonment issues. The doctor noted that she had a problem stalking her exes and people she believed she was in a relationship with…when they ‘moved on.’

Before then, she would display psychotic symptoms of shouting and throwing herself to the ground to make them promise not to leave.

What is this?

Is this fabricated, too?

The security tape from the flash drive came back to be a fake, so that was that. Or so I thought until I received a call from the informant to meet them here.

I did not tell Peter, and I couldn’t tell Savannah either.

Like Peter said…I’m scared of disappointing her.

For the first time, I’m worried about losing this case, and I know I will never forgive myself if I do.

Taking my phone out, I did a quick search on the hospital and the doctor. Both of them come up with a location. Starting my car, I input the address into the GPS.

Time to go see the doctor.


“So, she’s been here?”

The doctor nods.

“Yes. She’s my patient. Miss Richmond comes once a week. Although the day and time we meet isn’t fixed.”

I see. So, there is no way to confirm if I can pinpoint her absence on my end. If they were fixed sessions, I would look back to find a pattern.

“Why don’t you have a fixed date and time?”

He smiles.

“Unlike most patients that I see, Miss Richmond has been the most cooperative. She’s been seeing a couple of doctors before moving to this city and after getting a few referrals, I told her we could do it her way.”

Then his face falls. “Of course, I didn’t know she would regress?”


He nods. “I heard about the news. That she killed her ex-fiancé. As her doctor, I feel it’s my fault. I should have stopped it.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about but I sure as hell don’t like his tone.

“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

The doctor rubs his chin. “You see, two weeks before the incident, Miss Richmond called out of the blue, asking if she could see me. It was late.”

“Due to the urgency in her tone, I asked her to come to the office,” he quickly adds. “She said that she was livid at her ex-fiancé. She mentioned something about a ring and how she couldn’t believe he would cheat on her and still want the ring back.”

“Then she said she wasn’t going to give it to him. If he wanted the ring, then she would die. And she would take him with her. That is if he refused to make things right and give her the wedding she deserves.”