I nod, wagging my finger. “He’s a terrible person. After sleeping with me, he—he said it was because we had “needs” at that point. That it was just sex.Can you imagine?” I continue not sure what exactly I am trying to say.

“And then he makes me believe that he’ll win my case. Only to find out that he never had plans of seeing it through to the end. The asshole is out of the country right now,” I ramble.

Remembering the conversation when Michael was adamant that I remain optimistic, makes my blood boil.

“Do you want me to make a few complaints? Get him suspended or fired?”


I widen my eyes and then cackle.

“How can you get Michael Stone fired? He’s the founding partner of the firm. He’s a big shot. That’s why he can do whatever he likes. Make me have feelings for him and then dismiss it like it means nothing.” I stammer.

Alice smacks her lips.

“He’s a terrible person. You’re better off without him. If you want, I could find you another attorney.”

I close and open my eyes slowly trying to focus.

Despite Michael’s shitty behavior, I don’t want to find another attorney. I want to hunt him down to the ends of the earth, and then demand that he hold up his end of the bargain.

I want him to take responsibility for the hope he placed in my heart that day outside the police station after I begged him to represent me.

I need him.

Fuck that.

What I need is more bourbon.

I pour some more into my glass, but my fingers tremble, and I end up spilling some on my shirt. I don’t care, though, and I top the glass again.

“Should I go get another to go?” Alice asks.

My head shakes in accordance, using the last shred of clarity available.

“I want to black out, not kill myself. I won’t give the person who framed me the joy of seeing my dead body.” I slur.

“You’re not dying,” she says cheerily.

“Do you know what would happen if I died from alcohol poisoning? They’ll say the guilt ate at me so much I decided to end my life instead of going to prison. They will mock me, even after I’m dead, for being a coward.”

“But I am not a coward, and I didn’t kill Brandon. If it’s the last thing I do, I will prove my innocence,” I declare.

“And I will help you in any way I can,” Alice says with conviction.

It’s strange, I muse as I drink some more. That the person I hated most in the world would turn out to be the only person I can now depend on.

Realizing it makes me somewhat uneasy, but I don’t have a choice.

And instead of fighting with Alice, like I did with Brandon, and he ended up dead, I might as well forgive her and move on.

“I forgive you,” I say barely audible.

Her eyes shine as the words sink in. “You do?” She says with delight.

I nod. “Yeah. I won’t forget it because you essentially ruined what I thought was my content life, but the past is dead. Literally. So, there’s no reason for me to hold on to it.”

Alice flies out of her chair and throws her arms around my body, squishing me in a tight hug that takes some adjusting to before I can breathe. I let her take what she wants, hanging in for a full minute.