I admit that the thought crossed my mind.

This tape was sent to me either to give me a heads-up or warn me that they also sent the tape to the prosecution, and it’s the nail in the coffin.

“No,” I shake my head.

“Let me see it, please?”

Seeing no other choice besides tackling her to the ground to retrieve the laptop, I reluctantly give her the go-ahead. For me, it was a shock. For Peter, it was outright disbelief.

Savannah, after watching the clip, lets my laptop fall to the floor. It lands on the screen first, and I wince as I hear it shatter. She looks up at me, and I see the terror in her eyes.

“What is this?”

“It’s fake,” I respond.

“I know it is, but that wasn’t what I was asking. What is that? Who sent it to you?” She asks in a hushed tone.

“Someone,” I say, throwing up my hands in frustration. “I don’t know who it is, but I assure you that we have sent the clip off to my tech team for analysis,” I say trying to give her hope.

“What about the people who get their hands on another copy? Do you think they will care that the video was doctored? You know what I am, Michael,” Savannah’s voice rings hollow. “The woman who killed her fiancé after calling off the wedding.”

I don’t know what to tell her to make it better. It reminds me of how helpless I felt at the last court hearing. When I wanted to pull her into my arms, I couldn’t because I wasn’t sure if it was the help she wanted or needed.

“When were you going to tell me?” she pins me with an accusing glare. “In court? When I’m on the witness stand, is that when you were going to tell me that someone fabricated a piece of evidence that might damn me?”

I turn to Peter for help, but he looks at a loss for words also. Trying to pull myself together, I reach for my laptop, giving my mind time to come up with an answer that will not provoke her any further.

“When Michael?” Her voice rises.

“This is why I was going to wait until later. I knew you were going to think the worst about your case.”

Her eyebrows climb as she looks taken aback. “I think the worst? Me, who is currently on trial for my life, I’m thinking the worst about a situation that has hit rock bottom?”

When I don’t respond, she scoffs. “Okay. I’ll do what you want. Forget I heard anything. I’ll wait for the right time.”

Then she turns on her heels and storms out of the office, slamming the door in her wake. I turn to Peter, who stands up and comes over to pat me on the shoulder.

“You did your best,” he says. “I will speak to her so she doesn’t do anything rash like find another lawyer.”

“No,” I stop him as he walks away.

Peter turns. “Look, I know you want the best for her, but Savannah might do something rash. I would, too, if I were in her shoes. Someone has to do this—take the heat until everything is resolved.”

I shake my head. “Don’t. I have a plan.”

“That involves leaving her like this?” Peter asks.

I nod. “Yup. I can’t tell you what it is, but I am almost certain it will help us find the culprit.”

Peter seems slightly unhappy at being left out, but he doesn’t protest, nodding after several seconds. “Okay. I trust you. But if you need me—”

“I’ll call on you. I know. But I have to do this on my own.”

Chapter 23

