Then he lets out a low whistle. “Wait a minute. Aren’t you the chick that killed her fiancé because he was banging someone else? Damn,” he rubs his beard, “What are you doing here?”
I gag when he leans close, his breath smelling like he just threw up in his mouth.
“Trying to get some before they lock you up? I hear there isn’t any of this,” he gestures to his crotch, “where you’re going. I’ll give it to you for free if you want. I ain’t stingy.” He grins and I see his not-so-white teeth.
Before I can take action to get him away from my personal space, a force yanks him backward so hard he crashes to the ground. Then I see a bottle coming down with force crashing onto his head as he tries to get up.
And at the end of the bottle, I see Alice.
“Alice?” I say, shocked.
She takes my hand, and I have no choice but to stand up. The only thing I note as we storm out is the crazy look in her eyes. When we get outside, she lets my hand go.
And crumbles to the ground, her whole body shuddering.
Confused but more concerned, I crouch beside her. “Alice? What’s wrong?”
“I…I,” her voice trembles. “I broke a bottle on his head, and I saw blood. I saw blood, Savannah. Do you think they are going to call the cops on me?”
The cops?
The scene strikes me as comical and a laugh bursts out of my chest.
“You are one badass chick. Where have you been hiding her.” I run my fingers through my hair, whistling. “But you’re shaking.”
She looks at me. “I was holding the bottle and two glasses and then I saw him getting too close to you. The next thing I know, the glasses were on the floor, and then I grabbed him,” she exhales. “It’s a bit of a blur after that. Whew!”
My head falls back as a peal of continuous laughter pours out of me, my shoulders shaking. I get up, cleaning my hands on my pants.
“I mean, you’re shaking, but that was one hell of a thing you did back there.”
When she looks at me with shining eyes, I soften. “Really?”
I nod. “Yup.”
Then I stretch out my hand, offering to help her stand up. As soon as she does, I instinctively pull her into my arms for a tight hug, and the waterworks start again. Alice says nothing, offering her arms as solace while I cry my eyes out.
She doesn’t let go until I’m done.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
She nods, and then I see her eyes glistening.
“You’re welcome. I’m sorry, Savannah. I know I did you wrong, I do. But I want to be there for you. I want to be the person you run to when you are in a tight corner and when you want a shoulder to lean on. Please?”
For the first time, I don’t feel any reservations. The pain from being betrayed melts until there’s only a remnant left. It reminds me of when we were close, right from my final year in college up until I found out she was sleeping with Brandon.
“Please?” She begs. “I need a friend too.”
“Okay,” I smile.
“Okay!” Alice squeezes me tight until I cannot breathe.
It takes a couple of taps before she lets me go. “Do you want to go get ice cream?”
“Ice cream?” I ask.
“Yeah. Ice cream helps me when I want to get my mind off a terrible day. I’ve had a lot of those recently.”