“Julius isn’t the problem,” I cut in.

I’d take working with Julius—even though he likes to go on and on—over a twenty-minute sit down with Michael Stone. Which is what happened and is the reason why I’m in a foul mood.

It is the second meeting I’ve had with him, and every time Michael walks in, I remember the scene in his office.

I’m not saying I did nothing wrong.I accused him of being someone else because I was livid, frustrated, and tired. I know. And I would have apologized had he not said I deserve someone like Brandon.

That I deserve that cheating bastard!

“I bet you nagged him…”

I thought about punching him square in the jaw while he spoke, and the image in my head gave me so much relief that it was the only reason why I held my tongue.

Only to find out that he’s a senior partner of the firm. The firm I only came to because my father kept going on and on about how it was the best firm in the city and if I wanted to get somewhere in my career why shouldn’t I aim for the best.

It was always about being the best and that is why he pushed me into marrying Brandon, because he was a lawyer with a promising future.

Promising my ass, I snicker. The only thing that asshole ever did is to sleep with every woman that flashes a smile his way.

“See?” Clarrissa cuts through my thoughts again. “You’re doing that thing again.”

I turn to her sharply. “What thing?”

“The thing where your face is all scrunched up, and you’re saying words under your breath like it’s a spell to kill someone.”

If I could, I would. And I would have done it a long time ago to Peter, my stepbrother. But I can’t think about that right now.

“I’m fine, Clarissa. Don’t worry about me. How’s the review coming?”

She sighs. “Slow. I wish I were as good as you. I’d charm the socks off the feet of everyone I meet.”

I make a face of disgust. “That’s a lot of feet, and I bet most of them stink.”

Clarissa laughs.

“You’re right. They might be sweaty and hot…but you know,” her eyes turn dreamy, “I wouldn’t mind charming the socks off Michael Stone. If he asked me to remove them with my…teeth, I would. Gladly.”

Ugh. Great.

I feel sick to my stomach again.

“Yeah. Can we not talk about him in that way?

“Oh, sorry,” she turns pink with embarrassment. “I know I shouldn’t say the things that pop into my head, but sometimes I don’t have a filter.”

I wave my hand. “It’s okay. I’d just rather not hear it while my work is breathing down my neck.”

A lie to make her feel better.

“Can I help you?”

I shake my head. “No. I’ll handle it. I just need more time.”


There’s silence for a couple of minutes while I try to put Michael out of my mind and get some work done. Barely seconds after I succeed, Clarissa makes a squealing noise.
