My lips spread into a grin at the news, and I imagine what Savannah’s voice is going to sound like on the phone when I tell her the news. It will be a gasp at first and then some disbelief while she tells me not to tease her.

Then she will probably demand to see him for herself.

A woman, like her, is a believer in cold, hard facts.

“Then I’d better tell her face to face,” I mutter.

The person at the other end of the line rattles off the location where Eric is being held and then ends the call. Putting my foot on the accelerator and kicking the speed up a notch, I make my way to Savannah’s house.

“What are you doing here?” She asks, covering a yawn, when she opens the door to find me on the other side. I’ve woken her up.

My chest tightens when I cannot help my gaze that strays lower, taking in her version of pajamas which consists of a long button-down shirt with nothing underneath. Her hair is messy but all I can think of is how easy it would be for me to run my fingers through it and smooth it out.

And when her tongue darts out to touch her lower lip, I desperately want to be the one to moisturize them.


“You need to come with me,” I say.

She cocks her head. “Just like that? And you think I’ll say yes?”

“It’s about your case,” I say. “Will you?”

Her eyes widen. “Why didn’t you say that to begin with? Give me fifteen minutes. Come in while I get ready.”

I shake my head. “I’ll wait for you in the car. That way you’ll get ready faster.”

Savannah looks at me like I have something askew somewhere and then she shrugs. “Alright. Suit yourself. I’ll be out in a jiffy.”

Then she closes the door and I sigh as it shuts. I could have taken her up on her offer to come inside. I would have said yes the second she asked, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist her.

In the safety of her home, where no one could see us, I would have kissed Savannah until we ended up in bed.

And I don’t need that happening right now.

True to her word, she gets into the car wearing oversized overalls and a sweater thrown on top. Her hair looks like it was hastily brushed and she has no makeup on her face.

“Where are we going?” She asks, buckling her seat belt.

“To the police station.”

“Uhm, what?”

“Yeah,” I nod, starting the car. “We are headed to the station. There is someone there you might want to see.”

She gasps.

“Don’t tell me—wait,” Savannah turns to me and I glance to see her wild, unbelieving eyes. “Don’t tell me they found Eric?”

I nod, smiling. “They did. The bastard was trying to leave the country but we got him.”

“Seriously?” She puts her hands to her face. “We got him? For real? Like, he’s behind bars right now? And I get to see him?”

I look away from the road and her facial expression has my chest rumbling. “Anyone looking at you without context would think you just won the lottery or bought a new house. They would have no idea it’s a criminal investigation and you just found the person who might have murdered your ex and framed you.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Isn’t that better than winning the lottery or buying a house? I’d give everything up to keep from going to prison.”

I want to stop the car and kiss her quickly, but I keep driving.