“You didn’t kill him,” Michael says calmly. “Let’s work from that point.”

“How are you sure I didn’t kill him?” I continue my delusional rant.

“Because you didn’t,” he continues to try to calm me.

He takes my hand, but I snatch it from his grip.

“HOW DO YOU KNOW? You only know what I told you. What if I murdered Brandon in a fit of rage and then forgot about it because my brain blocked it out?”

He frowns. “Why would you think something like that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know…maybe because the murder weapon was found in my house? In my storage room?”

“It could have been—”

I shake my head, pointing my finger in the air.

“I know you want to show me that you have faith in me, but it only makes me angrier. Even if this is a set-up, how could I not have seen it?” I sob.

My shoulders shudder as more sobs tear through me. I curl into a ball in a corner of the car, crying my heart out.

“I should have been more careful. If this is a set-up, I should have noticed that someone had it in for me. My father was right. I’m not smart...I’m easy. I’m vulnerable. I’ll never amount to anything.”

More words that I’ve heard from him in the past echo in my head, stomping on the last shred of hope in my heart. At some point, it becomes too hard to breathe, and I go into a coughing fit.

I feel Michael’s arm around my body as he pulls me close, placing my head on his chest. He says nothing, but his hand runs over my head. My sobs reduce to quiet tears as I take solace in his arms.

After a while, my eyelids grow heavy, and I close them, falling into sweet and temporary oblivion.

Chapter 13


Iwatch her chest rise and fall, the slight flutter of her eyelashes and her lips—no longer quivering. After what happened in the court and the mess she was on the way here, I don’t want to wake her.

But I cannot leave her sitting in the car, so I shake her shoulder gently.

“Mmm?” Savannah murmurs before returning to sleep.

“Hey, we’re here,” I say softly.

“Mmm?” She murmurs some more.

I sigh.

What I want to do is take her worries away. From the trauma of not being good enough for her father to getting cheated on by her ex…I want to fix everything and make it all better.

That’s the main reason I took over her case. Because the woman successfully got under my skin, I went from wanting to get rid of her to needingto be around her.

I shake her shoulder again, but she doesn’t stir.

“I wish I could let you sleep here,” I say softly, touching her cheek, “but I can’t, you’ll be more comfortable inside.”

Her eyelids flutter for a minute before her eyes open halfway.

“Where are we?” She asks, lifting her head to stare out the window.

“I didn’t think you’d want to go to your house, and I wasn’t sure you’d like to come to mine, so I decided that a hotel was our best bet.”