“I’m going to jail,” she says.
My jaw drops.
“What?” I reply puzzled.
“Yeah. They—it’s a full-blown investigation now. And since I don’t have any evidence to prove that I didn’t do it, Elaine Roger has filed a petition to the court to arrest me.
I’m going to jail, Michael! I’m going to prison for the rest of my life for something I didn’t do!”
Chapter 12
Michael hands me the paper bag.
“Breathe into it. You don’t want to pass out now.”
I feel my throat closing up—and take deep breaths, exhaling and inhaling the same air. After a few gulps, I put the bag down.
“This is it. This is the end. I’m going to be convicted of murder, and I’ll spend the rest of my life behind bars. Everything I’ve worked for, the things I tried to accomplish, and the things I haven’t done yet…it’s all going down the drain!”
“If you have that mindset, you will never withstand the pressure from the prosecution, and he will cut you down. You need to pull yourself together, Savannah.”
“How!?” I yell, losing it. “How am I supposed to do that? Three months ago, my life was perfect. I just got a new job and was planning a wedding. Now I’m heading to court to stand trial for killing the man who broke my heart!”
“How do I keep it together? You’ve never been in my shoes, so don’t tell me what to do,” I snap.
“I am your lawyer. If I don’t tell you what to do, who will?” He says in a calm, infuriating tone. “But I’m not saying you shouldn’t be upset. I’m telling you to wait until we get out of the courtroom, and away from the crowds.”
Tears run down my face as my shoulders tremble. I open my mouth, but only sobs come out.
Michael places both hands on my shoulders.
“It’s true, I can’t understand how you feel, and I know that if my life was flipped upside down because of something I didn’t do, I would lose it too. But I’m asking you to listen to me, I’m going to get you out of this. I will clear your name.”
“Don’t worry. All they have is an outburst that people overheard, it’s circumstantial at best,” he assures me.
I wipe my tears, sniffing. “Isn’t that motive enough? They convict people based on motives, you know?”
“They need more than just a motive and you’re not the only one who had a motive to kill Brandon Portman,” he reveals.
My eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
“I’m not? I mean,” I shake my head. “I wasn’t going to kill him. But…what did you find?”
“Brandon had a friend. I don’t think you knew him. But they met the night before he died, and he threatened to kill Brandon. He’s nowhere to be found now, but we are looking for him.”
I breathe easier, hearing his words. It ignites hope in my chest that maybe…just maybe, the case will be resolved before I become a public spectacle.
Michael and I walk up the many stairs to the courthouse, and I’m all too aware of how many steps it takes to get to the doors, counting them to keep my mind from thinking the worst.
Before I walk through, he takes my hand.