Savannah nods. “Yes, fine, sir. I will.”

Taking the champagne flute, I pour some with a flourish.

She takes a sip.

“I want to kiss you right now and taste the champagne on your lips,” I say with a longing sigh.

She makes a noise that I like very much…something like a humming sound.

I take my seat.

“Isn’t it weird?” I ask.


“How we fell in love? Most people don’t fall in love the way we did.”

“You mean how it took me being framed for murder to bring us closer? She says. I should write a book about it.”

I laugh. “I think that is a brilliant idea, you should do it.”

She goes silent, but her eyes glisten. I know they are happy tears, so I don’t reach out to brush them away. Instead, I take her hand.

“I know I have said it before, but I love you, Savannah Richmond. I love it when you challenge me, unwilling to let go of the matter until you have the last say. I love the fire and the passion in your eyes, and the times when they soften as you look at me tenderly. I love the way that you make me a better man. I love how we make each other whole.”

She looks at me so appreciatively and knowingly.

I reach for the box in my pocket with the other hand, and she gasps when I place it on the table.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“I hope so,” I say with a laugh.

I open the velvety box and bring out a diamond solitaire ring.

Savannah gasps again. “It is so beautiful, Michael.”

“To match your beauty,” I say romantically.

I get out of my chair and get down on one knee beside her.

“I was going to wait until we had dinner but as you can see, I am very impatient about making you my wife. Savannah Richmond, will you make the happiest man by becoming my wife?”

“Yes,” she says, sniffing and nodding. “I will marry you, Michael.”

I slip the ring on her finger, and it fits just right.

With a gentle smile, I kiss the tears that fall down her cheeks. Then I slowly rise from my kneeling eyes not leaving Savannah’s. I take her hand so she stands, and then I reach out to cup her face tenderly, conveying much in a simple touch.

“I love you,” she whispers.

“I love you.”

With a soft exhale, I close the distance between our lips, and they meet in a tender, passionate kiss. Time, as always, loses its potency in the silent affirmation of our commitment. I open my eyes to look at Savannah, smiling when our eyes meet.


We break apart from the slow clapping that startles us, only to see that the intruder is none other than Peter.