Chapter 1
Iglance up from the legal document I’m reading when I hear the commotion outside my office door. At first, I am irritated at the noise and I want to get back to work, but I’m curious what could be happening out there.
I hear my secretary say, “Wait a minute, miss. You just can’t barge into Mr. Stone’s office unannounced,” moments before the door flies open, and a gorgeous, angry woman storms in.
She is stunning.
My heart rate quickens and my pulse accelerates. Annoyed at myself for reacting this way, I force back the blatant desire that rushes me as I helplessly watch her storm toward my desk.
Despite her anger, the woman’s beauty stands out. I notice her blonde curls, smooth tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and charming features, all hidden beneath her irritation. Then there’s her sleek, curvy body in a pair of slacks and a tailored blouse, completing the vision of beauty.
“Mr. Stone, I tried to stop her, but she—”
“That’s all right, Brenda,” I say to my secretary, who’s hot on the woman’s heels.
“Do you want me to call security?”
“No, I don’t think that will be necessary.”
Brenda Tillman, who has worked for me for over five years, doesn’t look convinced. “Are you sure?”
I stare at the seething woman who is standing with both hands on her hips, glaring at me. She looks like trouble, which is the last thing I need right now. I should probably throw her out, yet I find myself saying,
“Yes, I’m sure.”
Brenda gives me a hesitant nod and turns to leave, closing the door behind her.
I turn my full attention to the beautiful intruder, realizing for the first time that she seems familiar. I’m certain she’s not a client since I don’t forget any of my clients.
“I’m sure there’s a reason why you barged into my office, Miss...”
“Yes, there is a reason. This!” she says, pulling an envelope out of her purse. “I received this certified letter from you less than an hour ago demanding that I return my engagement ring to my fiancé. I tried calling him, but he’s not picking so I immediately came here for an explanation.”
I take the letter from her and look at it. The assessment doesn’t take long. This woman is either crazy or she has mistaken me for someone else.
“I’m not guy you are looking for, Miss, so this isn’t necessary.”
“Don’t play games with me. I’m no lawyer, but I have been in the legal field for a long time. I won’t sit back and let you or Brandon treat me this way.”
I’m losing my patience, but there’s a smile on my face.
“I gather you have a problem with returning the ring, Miss,” I say.
“Of course I do! Brandon decided he was in love with my best friend and called off our wedding two weeks before it was about to take place.”
“Besides the embarrassment and humiliation of having to explain everything to my parents and returning shower gifts—I was left with all the wedding expenses,” she continued. “And to pour salt on an open wound, I received that letter from your office.”
“I assure you,” I try to appease her, not sure where she came from or why security decided that a woman who looks like she is on a mission to slip through their scrutinizing eyes, “that I did not authorize this letter, Miss…?”
She doesn’t get the hint that I am asking for her name as she stands there, arms folded and fuming.
“I know lawyers like you,” she takes a moment to assess me, and I feel like I’ve been stripped naked, “and I am not about to leave without a fight.”
“It’s the money, isn’t it?” She snickers. “How much did he promise you if you denied that you represent him? How much? Well,” she crosses her arms, “let me give you a message that you can take to Brandon. I will not be returning the ring.”
“I know he spent good money on it, but for all the time I put up with him, not knowing that his ass was going behind my back and cheating with everything in a skirt and a push-up bra, I deserve the ring. You know what?” A mischievous grin appears on her face. “I might just sell it and use the money to get over him with an expensive vacation. I know it’s worth a small fortune because he wanted to impress my father.”