Music blared as the night went on, and Tucker had eventually pulled me away from the crowd of dancers to rejoin our friends. I was now huddled with my girls in a round of gossip, finally loose enough and enjoying the night.
Annie jutted her chin past Megan’s shoulder to where a bunch of the guys were hanging out. “Okay, what gives? Noah’s usually pretty cocky, but tonight he’s like a peacock strutting its feathers.”
Megan and Emma exchanged glances and shrugged shoulders, but my eyes shot to Dinah. She looked at me over her cup, her eyes bright with excitement, and Casey nudged her arm.
“Oh, come on, Dinah. Just tell them.”
“Yes, tell us,” Emma urged.
Lowering her cup, Dinah tilted her head up, raising her chin as she smiled proudly. “Noah asked me to be his girlfriend today.”
Jaws dropped, but I just smiled. “I guess you threw him enough bones then?”
“Just enough to get him hooked. Now, he’s all mine.”
“So, is that how you got Tucker, Izzy? You must’ve thrown him the biggest bone you had with his past rep.” Megan grinned but then frowned when she saw the shock on our faces. “Crap. Ignore me. I blame the alcohol.”
We all smirked, and Dinah nudged my shoulder as she said to the group, “Hey, it takes more thanthatto make a guy stay, and it’s not really even necessary at all if he gives a damn.”
“Good for you, Dinah.” Emma raised her cup like a toast. “I just don’t get why some girls think they need to throw themselves at guys.”
Megan scoffed lightly. “This coming from the girl who’s been flirting relentlessly with one of the hot, college boys right after dumping someone else.”
The mood killed a bit when Emma sent her an irritated glare. “Yeah, and Ian’s already got his tongue down Trisha’s throat. Besides, I’mflirting, Megan. Just flirting, and Kurt knows it. My body is the sole property of me until I let a guy put a ring on my finger. Maybe if you hadn’t given it up to David so fast, you wouldn’t be so hurt that he was using you.”
Megan flinched, and Emma’s eyes flew wide.
“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. That was me being angry at guys in general. Not with you. I shouldnothave thrown that at you.”
“Well, you did.” She turned around to walk away, and I looked at Annie, alarm passing between us at the tension between our friends. They’d been best friends for years, but this wasn’t the first time we’d seen them fight lately.
“Megan, please,” Emma called out, hurrying to follow.
“Coming through, ladies!” several of the guys yelled as they grabbed us from behind, tossing us over their shoulders.
Emma and Megan shrieked as Kurt and Micah swung them around to their backs, and when Jet lifted Annie, she squealed, swatting his back. I sucked in a breath, biting my lip not to scream over Tucker’s shoulder.
“What are y’all doing?!” Dinah yelled as Noah carried her away from the cars with the rest of us.
“Racing!” Jet answered as he swatted Annie’s ass. “Piggy back style!”
“Seriously?” Casey laughed, holding her hair back from her face as she tried to look up at Kyle.
“Y’all line it up!” Corey called out from where he was dragging his foot down the sand in a line.
Holy shit, we were really doing this.
Tucker adjusted me to his back, and I gripped his broad, deliciously muscled shoulders, my heart still racing from the surprise. “You can’t be serious?” My head went a little fuzzy when he smirked back at me. That devilishly sexy grin of his saying,‘I’m carefree and a little drunk. Wanna bet I’m not serious?’
“Come on, princess. We’ve got this. Relax and have fun with me.” If possible, his playful grin grew even sexier when he added, “It shouldn’t be too hard for you to enjoy this. You are riding me, after all.” He waggled his brows as my mouth dropped.
“Tucker!” I swatted his shoulder.But that sexy grin… It was doing things to me, and I leaned closer to breathe into his ear. “It’s my favorite way to take you. Getting to use that perfect cock of yours for what I need.” I draggedmy tongue up his neck and blew into his ear, making him stumble as his knees almost gave out.
It took him several seconds before he managed to swallow and growl through his whisper, “If you don’t watch it, I’ll be running straight for my truck after this race and taking you right there.”
I laughed, mission accomplished, then added, “Promises, promises, whiskey.”