Page 63 of Unraveled

A breath of relief rushed through me when they turned to head back, but when Tucker stopped to go off on Ruby, a sick satisfaction hit me. Appreciation swelled in my chest for my friend. That he took that moment to stick up for me. I wished I could see Jet’s face then. He’d been wonderful all week, but if he was looking at her with even an ounce of pity, I really thought I might lose it. Iknewhe was mine, no question. He loved me, completely, like I did him. But for once, I needed him to defendus.

I took off at a sprint, hating the distance between us when I was feeling this way. Overwhelmed. Not knowing what to do with it. I just wanted to be in his arms right then. Feel the connection between us. But when Ruby hopped up from her chair and called out to Jet, heat flashed over my body in a wave.

Oh, hell no.

I sped up, catching the warning look Tucker shot Jet, and leaped in his arms before he had the chance to turn around. She wasn’t getting an ounce of my man’s attention.

“Babe!” I beamed, and Jet reached below my ass to hold me up as I threw my arms around his neck, planting my lips on his. His mouth immediately opened, his tongue meeting mine, and we stood there for who knew how long making out in that random portion of the crowd. Eventually needing air, I brushed my nose along his before leaning back, smiles splitting both our faces.

I couldn’t help but glance past him and found Ruby scowling back in her chair.

“I take it you made your point?” Jet asked, sounding amused.

I pressed another kiss to his mouth. “Pretty sure. It looked like it went well for you and Tucker. No fights. Did he get his point across?”

“He did. Just like you’re still using me right now to make yours.” He hoisted me higher in his arms, his grin wider.

“Dang straight.” I gave him another kiss, but as I leaned in, I overheard Ruby’s catty voice.

“She’s such a psychotic bitch. Just wait until he wakes up about her. I’ll be right there waiting when I make it happen.”

Red hot rage flared, and I scrambled over Jet to reach her. “Psychotic bitch? That’s rich coming from a fucking whore.” Fear flickered in Ruby’s eyes as I stormed forward, but it quickly shifted into challenge as she stood. That Shelby girl shot up by her side, but I didn’t care. I’d fucking take them both. I was so fucking tired of shit. Tired of the stress and the drama. I’d shut the bitch down for good.

But before I could pull my fist back, I was scooped up and thrown over a shoulder. Growling at being called off,I flipped my ponytail out of my face. “You’rethe one who’s psychotic if you ever think Jet will be yours!”

“I think she got it, sweetheart.” Jet’s voice was somewhere between a stern growl and amused.

“You think it’s funny? Babe, she just fucking admitted she’s still trying to get you.”

Jet flipped me back over and set me on the hood of his car. He looked down, those blue eyes driving back my anger with their calm. “And nothing she tries is going to win me over.” He leaned over me, placing his hands on the hood at my sides. I had to rest mine behind me to hold myself up, locked in his stare until he closed the gap and swept me up in a kiss.

All the frustration, tension, and stress that threatened to overtake me, overwhelming my life so often now, melted away with everything I could feel in that kiss, and Jet kept it slow, deep, packed with the fervency he wanted me to feel before pecking the edge of my mouth. He rested his brow against mine, calmness and contentment now buzzing under my skin.

“Yeah…” At Tucker’s voice, we rolled our heads to the side, finding him leaning against his truck. “Sorry to interrupt.”

“All good, man. What’s up?” Jet didn’t move from his place over me, and Tucker scraped a hand over his mouth and jaw.

“Look, I know you’re looking to get another race, but I said what I needed to say back there. I really better go. I’m just…” His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, and I frowned at seeing him still so wound up. His body was looking for an outlet even if he wasn’t. He needed Izzy to bring him down like I’d just needed Jet.

“Go, Tucker. It’s fine,” I encouraged.

“Yeah, man. I get it. You saw the last one. It’s fine. Go find your girl.”

He nodded and took off, and Jet rolled his forehead back to face me, his lips brushing mine. “I’ve got mine right here.”

Chapter 20


I’d been awake for about an hour, a weird blend of excitement rolling through me.

All of our families were coming into town this afternoon for our graduation party and double birthday thing for Nic and I, including my uncle who was flying over from London for the first time, and in less than twelve hours, the four of us would be graduating.

I was wired.

I was also afraid to move.

Annie was draped over me in her bed with her head tucked into my neck. It had become our usual cuddling position the past couple of weeks that I’d been sneaking up to her room. As soon as everyone was in bed each night and her uncle stepped outside to make his nightly check in call with his family, she’d slip downstairs to let me in while Nic covered for me back home.