Page 51 of Unraveled

Annie was instantly at the forefront of my thoughts again when I saw her name on the screen. She’d livedthere all day, but not in the way she usually did. As soon as she’d left for work this morning, Izzy had called me…

“What’s up?” I eyed her in concern as she led me out to the backyard, quietly pulling the sliding back door shut behind us.

“Sorry.” Izzy turned around. “I just don’t want Mom or Uncle Blake to overhear. Annie’s already going to be upset that I’m tellingyou.” She pulled a leg up under her as she selected a spot on the patio furniture, and I took the next seat when she gestured.

“You’re making me nervous, Izzy.” I grinned to make it lighthearted, even though my pulse was picking up speed.

“Sorry. I just… I feel like I need to tell you this, but it also feels like I’m betraying my sister’s trust.”

“So, it’s something Annie doesn’t want to tell me, then.” My brow furrowed, lost on what it could be.

“Yeah.” One side of Izzy’s mouth scrunched up, and her fingers ran along the bottom hem of her top, her nerves only making mine set in. “She and I talked last night. I actually stayed in our old room with her, and we got some stuff out. I hadn’t realized how alone she’s been feeling. Which makes me feel awful, but has she said anything to you?”

“About feeling alone? Some, but it was mostly when I first got back from Greece. You’re with Tucker so much, anddon’ttake that the wrong way because I know Annie didn’t mind you leaning on him. It’s what you’ve needed, and she wanted you to have what you needed.”

“No, I know.” Izzy sighed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ears. “We talked through that. What I’m feeling guilty about is that she’s been struggling so much and I never realized how severe it was. She was so busy trying tomake sure I had whatIneeded that she wasn’t speaking up for herself. I swear, she’s like Mom sometimes.”

I smirked. “Don’t letherhear you say that.”

Izzy grinned but sadness leaked through the surface. “God, she’s going to get mad at me for telling you. I can’t even ask you not to tell her because you’re gonna have to talk to her. She needs us both.”

“Izzy, you’re just making me more nervous. If I need to know, then tell me, please.” I popped my knuckles with my thumb to battle my nerves.

She nodded, steeling herself with a deep breath. “I think she has PTSD, Jet, like me. Except with nightmares.”

My eyebrows shot up so high they were practically in my hairline. “What? I mean, I know she has nightmares sometimes, but PTSD?”

“I researched it some when she finally went back to sleep. She checks all the boxes. And it’s bad, Jet. You may have been with her for one of her bad onesbefore, but she admitted that they’ve gotten so much worse since then.”

Izzy shuddered, apprehension now clawing inside me at her reaction.

“How bad is bad?” I made myself ask.

“Awful. I woke up to find her gasping for air and pacing back and forth across the room. She couldn’t breathe right, for several minutes, and tears were just pouring down her face. When she finally calmed herself down, she was still shaking. She wouldn’t let me help.”

Izzy brushed away a tear that had welled at the corner of her eye.

I sat still, my hands clasped between my knees as I processed. Trying to understand why Annie hadn’t come to me. Why she hadn’t eventoldme.

It was the million dollar question that hadn’t left me all day. A gentle hand pressed to my shoulder, sliding down to my upper arm, and I blinked, only half present for a moment, still behind the counter with the container of wipes in my hands.

“You okay?”

Ruby was staring at me, and while I hadn’t noticed it in the commotion of her coming in, I could see the dark ring of bruising around her eye she’d tried covering with makeup. She’d hidden most of it, but I could tell it was deep.

“Uh, yeah.” I pulled out a couple of wipes, catching a glimpse of the book again as I started on the formica. “I’ve got that book you asked to borrow under the counter.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“No problem. I hope it won’t bother you too much to read it after last night. With Annie and all. Sorry about that.” I tapped a finger against my cheekbone as I stared at her black eye, and she looked down, pulling out another wipe to help.

“Not your fault. I’m sure it looked bad from where she stood. Sorry for falling into your lap.” She grinned, but I didn’t grin back, my mood just off today. “You sure you’re okay?” Ruby pressed.

“Uh, yeah, just worried about something with Annie.” I said it absently but took notice when Ruby stiffened.Shit. Sore subject.Good job to bring up the girl that just punched her.

Not to mention Annie was already going to be pissed at me just for talking to Ruby so soon after last night. Something screamed at me to find an out from working with her today, stuck between the two of them every timeI came into work. I just wished Annie could trust me about Ruby. She was just a friend.

Not that she’s trusting me with everything lately, anyway.