Page 32 of Unraveled

Corey and Kyle came over to join us with Megan and Emma a few minutes later, and I watched Megan’s face drop when she spotted David and Ruby out on the dance floor.

“Isn’t that the girl that almost ran Izzy down at the restaurant?” I heard her say to Emma, and my head whipped over, my laughter from a joke Kyle had just told gone in an instant.

“What now?”

Megan’s eyes widened at my expression, but Emma answered. “That girl out there with David almost ran Izzy down with her tray when we went out to eat for my birthday. Annie was pissed because it looked like it was on purpose. She went off on her pretty bad. I think she thought it was Annie when she did it.”

I immediately gave Jet a‘What the fuck did I tell you?’look.

“I feel like we’re missing something,” Megan said, glancing between us.

“She works at my dad’s shop.” Jet frowned, finally looking concerned.

About damn time.

“Are y’all sure it was on purpose?” he asked the girls.

Megan shrugged. “Maybe, but itwasbusy. It’spossibleshe didn’t see her.”

Jet frowned and pushed away from the table. “I could use a drink.”


I leaned against the bathroom counter while Izzy finished up her FaceTime convo with Leo. With her unexpected doctor visit cutting into their rehearsal this afternoon, Izzy had wanted to check in, and I’d lingered behind, needing a break from the dance floor.

“Seriously, Izzy. I want to see,” Leo insisted from the screen of her phone.

“But they look so ugly.”

“Exactly why I need to see. Unless you’d prefer it if I drove out there to check them out in person. That’s actually not a bad idea. Then I’d be that much closer to reaching that bastard so I can kick his ass.”

Izzy rolled her eyes. “Why is it that all the guys in my life feel it’s necessary to resort to violence?”

“Because you’re too fucking awesome for this jackass to keep hurting you. Thank God you’re getting a restraining order now, but leave it to that bastard to fucking pull some shit right before your audition. Now, let me see so I can figure out if we need to adjust theroutines.”

“We arenotadjusting any routines. The audition isrightaround the corner.”

I took a deep breath, holding my patience. “Just show him, sis. He’s going to see them at your rehearsal tomorrow, anyway.”

Izzy sighed and reluctantly slid up the lacy sleeve of her dress. I winced at seeing the bruises again, and Leo sucked in a breath.

“Fuck.” He groaned. “And that’s on both arms?” Izzy nodded. “I seriously hate that guy. You should have just let his ass sit in jail with that assault charge.”

“No kidding.” I leaned over into the camera’s view. “But can Izzy call you tomorrow, Leo? Jet and Tucker are waiting on us.”

“Hey, Annie. Yeah, no problem. And don’t worry, Izzy. If you need to take tomorrow off…”

“No.” Izzy’s gaze went dark. “Practice as usual. I’m tough. It’ll be fine.”

“I like Leo,” I said as the call ended. “He should hang out with us sometime.”

The corner of Izzy’s lips lifted in a grin. “I’ll let him know.”

We hurried back over to where the guys said they’d be waiting and found a group of our friends, falling into conversation with them for several minutes before I asked if they’d seen Jet and Tucker.

“At the bar. They were going to get drinks,” Corey answered.

“Great. Thanks.” I turned around to try and spot them at the bar, just in time to see Ruby lean over in front of Jet, her arm stretching out across the bar to reach for something, her tiny black crop top barely coveringwhat God gave her as she shoved her boobs in his face. I watched as she made a show of losing balance and landed right in his lap.