Page 31 of Unraveled

“I get that,” Jet said before grinning. “I still can’t believe you got Annie to skip school this afternoon because of it.”

“Neither of us skipped, technically. We checked out. But yeah, we weren’t in the right mindset to sit through class after that shit Zane pulled.”

I’d found Annie pacing the hall after I’d left Izzy in that office, and we shared one look before we knew we had to get out of there. As soon as we’d checked out, we took off for the batting cages to pound out some rage like we’d started doing a few months back, and some of what she’d confessed was really sticking to my conscience…

We’d been at the batting cages for over an hour, cracking our bats against balls instead of Zane’s face, and while I’d finally started to feel some relief, Annie was still going strong. I didn’t say anything at first, just kept putting money into the machine, but at some point I realized there was more shit going on for her than just Zane. A few more cracks of her bat and she spun around to face me, her cheeks flushed with a mix of exertion and rage.

“Could things be any more fucked up?! Just when she was getting better and Imightget some of my sister back, fucking Zane had to be a dick again! I’m fucking tired of him hurting her!”

“I am, too.”

“And I’m fucking tired of everything always going wrong! I’m tired of having to be thestrongone! The one that has to act like I don’t have my own fucking demons to deal with!That Izzy apparently doesn’t even notice anymore now that she hasyou!”

It was like she only just registered what she said, horror slowly crossing her exhausted features, but then she scowled and collapsed onto the nearby bench next to me.

“I hate you right now,” she mumbled.

“Wow. Okay. Anything I did to deserve it?” I shot back.

She looked up, defeat showing in her expression I wasn’t expecting. “I’m sorry. I don’t really mean that.”

“You meant at least part of it,” I called her out, leaning forward to rest my elbows on my knees. I looked at the ground between my feet, thinking she might feel less on the spot if I wasn’t staring her down. “What demons are there, Annie?”

She went silent. Her body tense next to me. I just waited, taking a page out of Jet’s book. He had thatwayof making us talk.

Annie eventually whispered, “I have nightmares. Of my mom and the night I found her.” I let out an inward curse as Annie took a deep breath. “Izzy doesn’t even register when they happen. I know she’s been hurting, and she’s needed you. I’ve gladly stepped aside. I willalwaysput what she needs first, but I miss my sister.”

I looked over in time to see a single tear escaping from her eye before she swiped it away.

My hand went back through my hair, and I dropped it down to the table. I hated seeing how torn Annie was, and I could get where she was coming from. While I’d been trying to keep Izzy from drowning, Annie had been left behind. I really needed to make sure Izzy talked to her soon.

“You’ve gotta try to let this Zane thing go. At least while we’re here.” Jet clapped me on the back, mistaking my silence but bringing me right back to my tension.

“Not that easy, man.”

“I’ll bet. I’m sick of him, too, but at least, he’s finally getting some of what he deserves.”

“True, but that just gets me started on Izzy not filing those assault charges.” Seriously, what the fuck had she been thinking?

“Did you really expect her to? Look at all the other times we wanted her to but she refused.”

I sighed, knowing Jet was right. Izzy always wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. It’s just how she was. Something I loved about her even though it drove me crazy at times.

“Zane’s ass should be in jail,” I grated.

Jet nodded. “Speaking of people that should be in jail…”

I looked over at the doors with Jet’s surprised face, and my own brow shot up. “Well, damn.” David was walking in…withRubyon his arm. A couple of other people that I knew were Outer Ridge from the races came in behind them. “I didn’t know they knew each other.”

“Me either. But David knows the racing crowd, too. Makes sense they’ve met.” Jet shrugged.

But I was still watching as Ruby glanced around the hall, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was looking for Jet. She was getting good at showing up where we were.And sure enough…

“You better watch her, man.” I jerked my head at Ruby, her smile lighting up when she spotted us. Jet offered her a quick wave, his arm still half on the table.

“You’ve told me before, and I hear you. I’ve even been icing her out half the time since I realized Annie’s jealous. The thing is, I can’t do it at work. I’m not going to make things awkward there. But I’ll tell you like I’ve told Annie, she isjusta friend. Besides, even if Ruby had a thing for me, it looks like it’s gone.” He gestured over to her again, and I watched as David slid an arm around her back, his hand resting at her hip. He stared down at her with a wide smile, saying something that made her toss her head back with a laugh.

Well, fuck. Okay. Maybe…