“Annabel, I am not in the mood to argue at the moment.”
“Good. Then don’t. I’m eighteen. I can go check myself out and then join.”
I heard Uncle Blake murmur something about stubborn women under his breath, and a chuckle sounded from across the table.
“Sorry. I just didn’t expect twins,” Brian said, an amused smirk on his face when we all looked over. “You always did want twins. I guess Izzy’s more like her dad because this one’s got you written all over her.” He gestured to Annie.
Annie whipped her head around to look at me, asking for an explanation, but I just shrugged my shoulders. “The most I’ve gathered is that he, Mom, and Uncle Blake used to know each other,” I whispered.
“Just shut up, Brian,” Mom spat. “Annie, leave. Now. Mr. Hiller doesn’t want you in here and neither do I. I’m sure your sister will fill you in tonight.”
“Argh! Fine!” Annie marched to the door, but before she yanked it open, she turned to glare at Zane. “But you better make sure he gets what he deserves for once.” Her ponytail whipped as she stormed out.
Evelyn looked around the table. “For once? What does she mean, for once?”
Mom motioned to the file in front of Ms. Lane. “Apparently, this isn’t a one-time thing.” She sent me another disapproving look.
“This is a load of bull,” Brian protested.
“The hell it is,” Mom snapped.
“Bridge,” Uncle Blake warned louder this time.
“Let’s all try to calm down, please,” Mr. Hiller cut in. “I let it go at first, but if you can’t keep your emotions in check, we’re going to have to call this off.”
“Oh, no.” Brian laughed. “I’d like to hear what all my son has supposedly done.”
“Are you saying my daughter is lying?”
“Last warning!” Mr. Hiller’s voice boomed.
“Brian, please stop talking,” Evelyn pleaded.
God, yes. Please. Everyone stop, so we can just get this over with.What I’d give to be at home right now with my pounding head buried in a pillow in a dark room. The one thing I wanted more would soon be in a gym, completely inaccessible.
“Now,” Ms. Lane began when everyone managed to calm. “Izzy first started talking to me about what was happening in January, but some of the incidents she reported actually happened in the fall and last summer.”
Mom shook her head, clearly still pissed, while Evelyn eyed Zane with a look. He shook his head, and I glared at his denial before looking down with a wince, another stab pounding through my brain. Even my arms were starting to throb. So did my chest.
The door swung open again, and there stood Tucker wearing jeans and his practice jersey, only half-dressedfor athletics. My heart lifted, and I could suddenly breathe through the tension.
Tucker looked wildly around the room, and he was at my side in what felt like a mere second after seeing me. I didn’t remember standing, but I was up and in his arms, the exact place I’d wanted to be. I buried my face in his chest, breathing him in as he bent down to kiss my head.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his hands gently caressing the sides of my face as I looked up at him, those whiskey eyes swirling dark with concern.
“Yes. I mean no. I mean… I don’t know.” My lower lip began to tremble. Suddenly, all the shock and tension were wearing off, and all I wanted to do was stay in his safe, comforting arms forever.
Tucker gently wiped away my silent tears, staring into my eyes. “You’re okay, princess. I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
“I know,” I cried, unable to stop it.
He gave me one last, strong squeeze before carefully pulling my arms from his back. “Let me see.”
His touch was tender as he stroked the delicate, purple skin high on my arms, but I could feel the rage flooding through him beneath the surface. He was furious but holding back. Just for me.