Page 120 of Unraveled


“Tucker, seriously, what is it?” Annie asked for about the fifteenth time in the backseat. “Just give us a hint.”


“Is it like a double date thing?”

I scrunched my lips to the side, pretending to humor her like I was considering spilling, and ended up throwing her a small bone. “Kindof. We can sort of turn it into one.”

“Well,that’snot more confusing.” She sat back, and I grinned, meeting Jet’s smirk in my rearview mirror. He was trying to hide it, but he was getting a small kick out of Annie’s torture, too.

“All I have to say is it better be worth making her wait,” he said from behind me.

“Definitely is.”

I looked over at Izzy. She had her feet pulled up to the seat and her arms wrapped around her legs. Her head was resting on her knees as she looked out the side window. As always, she was breathtaking, and ever since the hearing with Zane had wrapped up, she finally looked at peace.

My uncle had represented her as promised, and with all the evidence, Zane hadn’t stood a chance. Not even with his douche of a father lawyer. The only thing that had made that day stressful after the hearing was overwas my dad finally sitting down with Uncle Drew to fill him in about what had gone down with his sons and Izzy.

It had gone better than I’d anticipated, and with all of it finally out in the open, not even Ryder should be an issue anymore.

I looked over when I heard a phone buzz, but my screen was still dark.

“Mine.” Izzy pulled hers from her purse, and she froze, her face going pale.

“What?” I started slowing down, ready to pull over.

“I got it.” Her voice was barely a whisper.


She looked up, excitement now bursting from her features. “I got it!”

We all looked around at each other, confused.

“You got what, sis?”

“My Baste Academy audition! They just offered me a spotanda scholarship for next year!”


“Awesome, Izzy!”

“Knew you could, princess.”

I beamed, dragging her face to mine for a kiss at the next light, and she sat back, practically bouncing in her seat the rest of the drive.

The whole mood had shifted. Everything in our lives was falling into place, but I was still pretty damn sure I could top her news, and we were getting closer and closer to my reveal. I was waiting for Izzy, for any of them really, to catch on.

Or maybe that was me being hopeful. I was just seriously fucking excited.

It took two more turns and us reaching the familiar stretch of road before Izzy clued in. “Tucker…you didn’t…”

Excitement filled her voice, light dancing in her eyes, and my grin officially split my face.

“Sort of.”

“Sort of?”