Page 88 of Unraveled

“I owe you an apology, too, and I’m sorry for what I said to you outside. You didn’t deserve that, and believe it or not, I do know that you love my daughter.”

Tucker gave a single nod. “I do.”

“But I still can’t give you and Isabel my blessing.”

My throat tightened, frustration welling inside me. “Why, Mom? I need the real reason.”

She looked at me, her gaze so harsh. I could see so much turmoil rolling inside her, and I hated it. She’d come home looking so much better, but she was scaring me now, making me worry that she might regress if she was still this angry inside. And for some reason, it seemed to rest on the wedding. “Please.”

“I have told you my reasons, Isabel. You just don’t want to hear them.”

“And I call BS on all of them.” Annie cut in. “You hate when we hold back from you, but you’re doing it to us, too. Izzy deserves an answer. A real one. So, talk.”

Mom’s fingernails dug into the arms of her chair, and her nostrils flared as she sucked in a harsh breath. I shot Annie another look, genuinely worried this time, but she ignored it, stuck in a battle of wills with our mother.

“Tell. Izzy. The. Reason.”

“She’s. Too. Young.” Mom spoke through her teeth, and Annie gripped her hands into fists on her thighs.

“She’s going to marry Tucker whether you think she’s too young or not.”

Mom shook her head, adamant and desperate as she reached out for me. “No. You just can’t, Izzy. Please.”

“Why?!” Annie pushed, and Mom finally snapped, unleashing a glare on my sister that made her reel back.

“Because I don’t want her to end up divorced like me!”

We froze.

I was sure I hadn’t heard that right.

There was no way that I had.

She and Daddy had been happy. She’d been by his side until the end.

“What do you mean, Bridge?” Helen asked.

Mom began to shake, her hand releasing mine to grip in a fist in her lap. “Nothing.” She shook her head, clearly evading.

“Mom.” I looked at her, but she refused to meet my gaze. Refusing to meet anyone’s.

“We’ve been gone from the party long enough. We should head back.” She stood, and Jenna took her hand, stopping her before she could leave.

“Mom,” I said again, my voice more firm. “Mom!” She jumped, finally looking down at me. “What did that mean?” Her eyes flitted between mine, fear mixed with uncertainty and determination. “Why did you just say youwere divorced?” I pressed, determined to break through to what she was hiding.

And then it hit me. Like a slap to the face I put the pieces together, the mystery finally starting to unravel. I’d wondered about it before, but she’d refused to answer then, too. “Zane’s dad.”

From my peripheral vision, I saw Jet, Annie, and Tucker’s heads whip to look at me, but I kept my eyes firmly locked with my mother’s, daring her to deny it. I wanted to see the moment of truth in her eyes.

It was almost right after I said it that I saw the shift in her expression. Her defeat. And her face crumpled as she knelt to the floor in front of Annie and me, her hands going to each of our laps to grab ours.

I nearly pulled away. My mind was in shock. Never, in any scenario I’d played in my thoughts, had I imagined my mother once married to that awful brute of a man.

“You were married to Zane’s dad?” Annie asked, disbelief mixing with horror on her face.

Mom nodded, shame filling her as she looked up at us, my world spinning. Tucker’s thumb brushed along my waist, reminding me he was here. Grounding me.

“How? When?”