I slammed the schedule back on the wall, earning a stern look from Brett, and I stuck my hands on my hips, trying to force a deep breath.
I held up a finger. I needed a minute, counting to thirty because I didn’t think ten would work. “I’m sorry.” I shook my head when I felt calm enough. “He’s a trigger point for me. And definitely for Tucker.”
“I get it, and I swear, I’ll watch how I do the schedule. Maybe give him a few of the crappier shifts.” Brett gave me a wink, and I managed a grin.
“Thanks.” I picked up a book lying on the shelf under the window, a man with dark, dripping hair leering through a rain-spattered window on the cover. The title was done in a deep, blood red, the letters dripping over the image.Mine. I pressed my lips together, considering it for my next read.
“It’s an awesome read if you want to borrow it,” Brett offered. “Totally worth the recommendation.”
“Who recommended it?”
Brett hesitated. “Zane.”
I dropped the book like it burned my hand and took off out the door. Count that as one book I’d never read.
Sprinting over as the rain started, I threw open the glass door to Riptide to find Jet hunched over the counter with some invoices. I just watched for a minute, loving the crease in his brow when he was trying to concentrate but knowing he hated the paperwork.
“Need a break?” I stepped up to the counter, resting my arms on the polished wood. “You get off soon, right?”
Jet looked up, and a smile split his face until he glanced over me, then his expression shifted into a concerned frown. “Yeah, at one. You okay? You’ve been running.”
“Yeah. Started the day with the stupid dream again and just needed to get it out of my head.”
“I’m sorry.” Jet placed a hand over mine. “I hate that you’re alone for those. I feel like such a crap boyfriend knowing you get them, especially when I’m at home and Tucker’s practically moved in there with Izzy for the same reason.”
“Not the same reason. Theirs is much worse. But yeah, not gonna lie that I’m jealous they get to share a bed.” I gave him a wistful smile. “I miss sneaking in through your window to join you in yours.”Fucking Nic.
“Me, too.” Jet squeezed my hand. “But Nic’s going home after graduation. At least for a month or two before he comes back for school.”
“Before he what?”
Jet winced. “Yeah, forgot you didn’t know that yet. Nic told Tucker after the party last night that he plans to stay and go back to school.”
My hands clenched and my breaths grew tight as a string of curses ran through my head.Another jackass I can’t get rid of.
Shit. I hadn’t told Jet about Zane.
I’d just opened my mouth to tell him the crappy news when the bell above the door rang and a group of people ran inside, arms and bags thrown over their heads to avoid what was now a downpour.
“Oh, my God, that was crazy. Itoldy’all it didn’t look like the weather would clear up.”
“Ruby?” Jet asked, peering past me to the girl in a deep blue bikini that barely covered her tits. She beamed at my boyfriend and lowered her bag, the large, red beach tote now covering part of her washboard stomach.
“Hey, Jet. Sorry for ducking in like drowned rats. I remembered you said you worked here, and we needed to get out of the rain. Looks like you were right.”
“Wish I wasn’t.” Jet gave her a sympathetic look and then glanced at me as my insides flared. They’dtalked? Not only that, but he told her where heworks? I tried to calm myself, seeing Jet’s uncertainty, but he freakingknewI didn’t like this girl. I didn’t trust her.
But Idotrust Jet.
I also don’t have to fucking be civil.
I eyed her, making sure everything in my expression conveyed my warning.
Jet ran his thumb in gentle circles on the back of my hand, his way of calming me, but I was far from being tamed.
“Get the towels out, babe.” The guy that was with her spoke to the other girl, and she dug in her beach bag to pass them out.