“Yeah, happy rainbow colors.” I scowled. “How about the fact that Zane’s getting away with so much shit?”
Annie groaned, and Jet sent me a serious look. “Just wait until we’re sure I’m done racing to do what you need to with that.” I stared back at him, aware that racing was his priority tonight, just like I knew Annie rubbing in that she still had Jet into Ruby’s face was hers.
The girl had seriously gotten under her skin, and with the way Jet had dismissed our warnings, I didn’t blame Annie for hating the girl. It wasn’t a trust issue. It was a lack of respect. I knew it from my hookup days. If a girl had a boyfriend, she was off limits. You didn’t fuck with what wasn’t yours.
Annie gave me an understanding look after Jet’s warning, not that it helped. Dick mode was wired into me tonight until I got this done.
“Just let tonight be fun, Tucker. You know Izzy will be pissed if you fight.”
“Says the one just bitching about Ruby. And it wouldn’t be a fight.” I clenched my fists by my legs again. “It would be one and done, just like the last time I took his ass down out here.”
“And you’re gonna get me banned from racing out here if you keep up with that shit.” Jet glared. “Deal with him. Warn him off. Whatever you need to do but hold the damn punches.”
My jaw clenched, and I swallowed. “If I’m holding punches, then there’s no reason I have to wait.”
I slid off the tailgate and started across the crowd, ignoring the panicked looks Annie and Jet exchanged.
“Fuck.”I heard Jet curse behind me, scrambling to follow. He was flanking my side within seconds. “You better keep it under control.”
I popped my knuckles as I fisted my hand. “You don’t have to come.”
“Tucker, I’m fucking serious… Shit,” he cursed when I didn’t answer. “Annie, we’ll be back,” he said over his shoulder.
I smirked. I wasn’t the only one he didn’t trust tonight.
We were just a few yards away when David spotted us, and he nudged Zane’s arm to get his attention. Ruby and her crew didn’t move, but David held back, letting Zane step forward to take the lead.
“The fuck do you want over here, Pierce?” he sneered, crossing his arms over his wide chest.
I stopped just a few feet in front of him. Close enough to get my message across but far enough away I might not swing. Taking him in now, I couldn’t believe we’d missed the steroids. Unless it was like Izzy had suggested and before prom we were just in a fog. I’d seen him in the weight room enough to explain some muscles, but the bastard was fucking huge now. Bigger than the last time I fought him.
I’d still take him out in a punch.
“I have a message for you.” I let my voice roll out deep around us, filling it with warning.
“Then stop fucking wasting my time and say it.”
“Careful.” My eyes narrowed. “Just one talk with myfiancéeand I can make sure those assault charges still come back to bite you in the ass.” His jaw clenched, biting something back. “She knows how fucked up you are now. We know everything you did to try to get between us, and if Ieversee or hear that you’re plotting shit again, I will take you down. You’re not the only one that has money and connections. I just don’t rely on them. But I will if it means protectingher. You? You’re the fucking past, Zane, and one day, you’ll be a fucking ghost of a memory she never even has to think about anymore. We’re done.She’sdone. Fucking be a decent human for once and leave her alone.”
David gripped Zane’s shoulder when he moved to lunge, and I turned away, my fist clenched and ready if he broke free. I caught Ruby’s gaze, her eyes locked on Jet.
“You.” I zeroed in on her. “Learn your fucking place. You’re not wanted. And I don’t know what the fuck that asshole has on you, but you better fucking wise up and get some distance.”
Her face went white even as her eyes hardened, and I took off before I could say anything else. The girl deserved shit but not from me.
“Thank you,” Jet said when we’d walked far enough away.
I just nodded. I didn’t even know if he meant what happened with Zane or Ruby. The Ruby part was for Annie. Keeping myself from pounding Zane’s face in? That had been for Izzy. Fighting had only brought the worst for us. And now that I’d said my piece, given Zane his fair warning, I was good to move on. His ass could stay in the past.
It took everything in me to not pace the entire time Jet was over there with Tucker. I was already hyped up from the race, and the guys had now walked straight into enemy territory where Zane sat with Ruby. Staying backwas torture. Like they thought I was some damsel that couldn’t hold her own. With Zane, maybe not, but I sure as hell could against Ruby. Her attention had been rapt on Jet the entire time he’d been over there, and I was justbeggingher to make a move.
Crossing my arms, I tucked my hands against the sides of my ribs to keep them still as my feet gave up the battle and began to pace the stretch by Tucker’s tailgate. The second the guys got back, they were getting a piece of my mind. My nerves were a wreck right now, my constant stress mounting as I waited and watched to see how this would go.