Page 114 of Unraveled

I’d just been craving for it to really be Anna.

Because I was still hopelessly and pathetically addicted, even through my hatred.

But that was a problem for another day.

What deserved my attention now was that shock back to life. Because it was exactly that, and I wanted to hone it.Appreciate it.

It had been so long.

I took a deep breath, and the salt air filled my lungs. My chest even felt somewhat lighter.

Maybe there’s hope for me yet?

I was afraid to consider it.

I looked over the shimmering, dark ocean at my left then to the narrow path I could see faintly up ahead that would lead me back to the road.

Despite it all, despite how wretchedly I’d started this journey in Texas, I liked it here. I genuinely liked it here. It calmed me and gave me the space I needed from my old life. There were people here I didn’t mind starting my new life with. Family. And even some friends.

Ah, bugger. Izzy.I should’ve called her back a long time ago. Some friend I was turning out to be. And if Annie was right about anything else she’d said tonight, I had a long way to go with a lot of relationships here.Jet more than anyone now.

I pulled out my mobile, bracing myself as it rang.

“About time.” She answered after the first ring.

“Hey, Izzy… I know I’m complete rubbish, but I Ubered earlier, and…do you think I can get a ride?”


Jet and I were lying naked on the beach in each other’s arms while the water gently nudged our toes. With that kind of sex, I’d been stupefied into some kind of reverie. My mind and body were practically mush.

“Amazing,” I purred into his chest. Three orgasms.Five if you count the foreplay. It was definitely a first. A night I wouldn’t forget.

“Don’t sell it short, sweetheart.”

“Oh, I’m not. You promised, and you more than delivered. I think we even found some new kinks.”

“The biting.” He growled and brought his hand up to cup my breast, the sand gritty between us, and I swatted it away with a grin. The biting had definitely been good.

Several languid minutes passed with peaceful contentment buzzing between us before I shifted onto an elbow to look down at my man, one of my legs still draped over his as I gave him a wicked grin. “Maybe we should fight more often. The makeup sex would be worth it.”

Jet brushed a few stray strands of hair from my face, his expression nothing but earnest. “Make up sex is not worth you feeling so hurt, especially when I’m the reason for it.”

I laid my head back against his chest to where his heart beat steadily against my ear. Had I really doubted what that heart felt for me? It was so steady, strong, and sure, just like Jet. Just like I wanted to be. Like I wished I could be on the inside.

“I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“That note didn’t exactly help my case. But really, of all the perfect fucking timings for you to find it.” He began running his fingers lazily along my spine, making me shiver against him in the humid, late May air. “Just tell me you know I would never cheat on you.”

“I know, babe. But with that note and every insecurity Ruby managed to plant in my head, it got twisted up in the rest of the chaos in my brain. I was going to talk to you and get your side, but then I saw that kiss…”

“And thathurt. I get it. I just wished you would have been there a few seconds earlier to hear me telling her off.”

“Yeah. That would’ve definitely been better.” I grinned, trying to picture it. “Do you think she did it on purpose? Like she knew I would see?”

“The kiss? Yeah.”

“God, I hate her. Between that and the note… If I hadn’t read that first, I probably would’ve just attacked her ass.” I sighed, frustrated. “I just want to know what her endgame was. You said everything in the note was a lie, and I believe you, but she had to knowyouwould know it wasn’t true, so was she hopingIwould find it? Even though the book is Nic’s? I mean, make it make sense.”