“Yeah. Because she wantsme. She used you to try to get to me.”
“Fuck. Shit. I didn’t know, man.”
“Well, you do now.”
I pushed past him and headed to the kegs.
Chapter 31
Walking had done shit to help my churning stomach. Even going out closer to the water like before had barely done anything. It wasn’t until I actually threw up that I started to feel better. I was usually better at judging my alcohol intake, but I’d clearly overdone it tonight.
I held my arms out, letting the breeze wash over my flushed skin, and ended up throwing up a second time before my stomach finally settled. Except now, while I felt tons better, I also felt disgusting. My mouth was just gross.
The light from the moon and the headlights that carried over from the party were enough for me to distinguish Jet’s Mustang in the cluster of cars, and I decided to check his duffel bag he’d been stashing in his car this week between nights at my house, hoping he had some toothpaste or something inside. It was still on the floorboard where I’d shoved aside for my feet earlier, and I pulled it onto the seat, searching the side pocket first.
There was a mini tube of toothpaste and even an unopened toothbrush right inside. Deciding to replace it for him later, I quickly opened it and brushed viciously over my teeth and tongue, desperate to get the awful taste out of my mouth.
I spit into the sand and unzipped the top of the bag where I knew there were some bottles of water from the last time I’d taken it with me to work. And like a smack to the face, the book Ruby had mentioned borrowing was right on top.
I’d wondered what book it had been. Maybe something about cars, butMine? It was the same book Zane had recommended to my boss, and it just wasn’t something I ever pictured Jet reading.No, she’d said it was his cousin’s.The book was Nic’s.
I rolled my eyes. Of course, it was. When did he not pop up?
Shoving the book to the side, I dug around underneath, reaching to each edge of the bag. But when I couldn’t seem to find one of the bottles of water, I took the book out to make more space, relieved to find one underneath.
Grabbing it, I quickly took a swig to rinse and spit in the sand by the car, then polished off half the bottle to help rehydrate. Setting it on the seat so I could take it with me, I grabbed the book to stuff it back in the bag and noticed a folded piece of notebook paper sticking out from the book jacket.
Frowning, I pulled it free and then froze. Blinking. My brain almost not processing the large, black heart that was drawn on the page. Even if I’d written Jet a note at some point,thatwas not the way I drew hearts.
My pulse began to race, my thoughts springing back and forth as I tried to make sense of it. At who might have given him the note. And as quickly as my confusion had set in, anger flared through me when my eyes landed back on the book.
That fucking bitch. It had to be Ruby. She’d just had the book.Unless it’s Nic’s? Maybe it’s some old love note from his ex his dad mentioned this afternoon?
My emotions bounced between the two possibilities, not knowing what to feel. If it was from Ruby, I was going to tear her to shreds. I wassickof her making moves on Jet. But if it was Nic’s, I really should put it back.
Either way, I’d have to find out whose it was first.
Don’t do it.My gut hissed the warning as I started unfolding the letter, making me pause. But could I really put it back and walk away? Without knowing for sure?No.If it was from Ruby, Ineededto see what she’d writtenmyboyfriend. My fingers were burning to not have it open already, and I might as well have been a fucking cat because curiosity was killing me. Besides, if it was Ruby’s, I needed to know specifically what I was beating the shit out of her for.
She would pay. No punches held.
I had the letter open in a second.
I’ve been debating for at least a week about if I should even write you this letter. I don’t want the drama ifshefinds it, but I just have so much to say, and it never seems to come out right when I see you, but I can’t get you out of my head. Since the first time I got to know you, you’re all I can think about.
I think about all of our flirting and the way I laugh when we talk. How I always want MORE time with you. It never feels like enough, especially since I see you so much less lately.
I know it may be hard to believe, or that you might not want to hear it, but my heart’s fallen hard. There’s so much about you that I love. Like how you can be such a gentleman. Your sexy grin. The way you raise your eyebrow when you’re being playful. I love the look on your face when you’re thinking really hard about something. I love your laugh and our banter. There’s just so many things I love about you.
Like the way it feels when you touch me. I will never forget the way you made me feel those times we were together. How possessive you were. The way you demanded things from my body without even a word. It’s unforgettable. Your smell, your embrace, the feel of your hands wrapping themselves in my hair… It was all incredible, and I’m pretty sure you’ve ruined me for anyone else.
But I know you. Just thinking about it now is making you feel guilty. Likesheshould be the only one you’re with. Especially with the ring you bought her. I’m sure you gave her some heartfelt speech and made promises, but I’m begging you to realize that promises can be broken.