Just one demon left waiting to handle now…
Chapter 19
I was terrified when Annie and I pulled up at home. My chest was tight, apprehension pulsing through me, but we looked at each other, sharing a moment of solidarity before stepping out of our truck. We were in this. Together. I steeled myself, shoving my insecurities back. I could do this.Wecould do this.
Jet and Tucker came up as we got out, and Jet held his arms open for Annie as I slid into Tucker’s embrace, drinking in his boost of silent support. I’d suck it down in trenchfuls if it meant I could get through today. Instantly, my nerves began to settle, everything in me calming with him near.
I pulled away, my eyes locking with Annie’s, and we headed up the walk, our hands grasping each other’s as we climbed the porch steps. Jet and Tucker followed, our rocks at our backs.
Annie pushed the door open, taking the lead, and my heart skipped as we stepped inside.
I heard one of the guys shut the door behind us, and Annie and I stopped short only a few steps behind the large armchair.
Mom was seated on the couch with Archer tucked under her arm as he showed her his binder from school. Uncle Blake sat at the other end, a wide smile on his face as he watched them.
They all looked up as we came in, and it was impossible to miss the happiness radiating off my brother, but I was too busy taking in Mom to focus on him for long.
She looked different. The same. More like heroldself. She was healthier with more weight on her bones. She’d been looking so skinny before. I hadn’t even realized how much until I saw her now and could see the difference. The lines of tension she wore on her face were down, barely visible, and the beaten down look in her eyes was gone. She was better. Healed.
I was nowhere close.
A moment of jealousy swarmed through me, and I clenched my jaw shut, holding the tears back.
Mom looked between us, the joy in her gaze from talking to our brother shifting into one of apprehension and hope.
I didn’t know how to start.
I didn’t know if I could.
Annie did it for me.
“Welcome back.” But the comment was anything but welcoming.
The hope dimmed in Mom’s eyes.
“I’m so glad y’all are home. I missed y’all.” She patted Archer’s leg for him to scoot over and then stood. I took a step back, and she stopped, her eyes flitting betweenus. She didn’t know how to approach us. I didn’t want her to.
I was doing everything I could not to flee while Annie stood firm. Though, inside I knew my twin was shutting down, her expression closing off.
“I’m glad you’re back. Archer needs you.” Her voice was deadpanned and dry, and she took my hand to guide me around the couch. The guys followed, forever our support.
Mom’s face fell, and Uncle Blake stood up. “Y’all wait. You don’t get to just walk off like that.”
Annie’s shoulders tensed as we paused, and Jet reached up to touch her arm, steadying her. “I really think you’d prefer it if we did.”
“Annie, please.” I heard Mom behind me. “Izzy?” she tried when neither of us looked.
I just shook my head. I couldn’t. Couldn’t she see I wasthisclose to breaking down? I felt Tucker’s chest behind me as he stepped close, his fingers wrapping around my arm in a gentle squeeze, and my lungs filled, my breath returning with him near. Still, it was Annie who spoke.
“We’re going to our rooms upstairs. Maybe we’ll feel like talking later.”
“Y’all’srooms?” Mom questioned, sounding genuinely confused, and Annie finally turned, her gaze cold and hard.
“Yes. Ourrooms. Izzy shares the guest room with Tucker now. Something youmighthave known if you hadn’t screwed up and left us. So, while I appreciate you finally deciding to stay and check in, Uncle Blake, you might have to make other plans for where you’re going to sleep.”
My eyes were wide by the time she was through, the entire vibe of the room shifting. I gave Annie a panicked look, and she shook her head. She was done.