Page 7 of Survival

“Holy mess. Look who’s here,” Emma said only moments later.

I turned at the surprise in her voice and smiled.

The most beautiful girl in the world was climbing out of the old, blue Ford I could see parked in the driveway across from my bedroom window. Not that I was really eventheremuch anymore, but it was still my room I guessed. For now.

Izzy’s back was to me as she grabbed her things, but, as soon as she turned around, I caught her gaze, watching her eyes light up and my favorite hint of a crooked smile spreading across her face.

“I wondered if we’d see any of Izzy out at the beach anytime soon,” Emma commented as I watched my girlhead down the manmade path to the golden stretch of sand, her long, damp hair curling gently down her back.

“Me, too,” I replied, disheartened as a closer look at Izzy’s appearance confirmed my expectations: damp hair, no makeup, the withdrawn look she was trying to hide. Something was off.

“Hey, Izzy,” Emma called down when she got close to our chairs.

“Hey, Ems. Hey, whiskey.” She smiled up at us, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun.

“Hey, princess. How’s today been? Did you get much practice in?”

I watched dullness touch the emerald green of her eyes, flickering there for just a moment, and I wanted to kick myself for whatever part of what I just said that brought that look back again. “I did, but my ankle started to get too sore, so I had to call it and give it some rest. That, and I wanted to see you.”

Reading between the lines, the corner of my lips tugged up at one side in an understanding half-smile. “It’s a great surprise, but I don’t get off for another fifteen minutes.”

“That’s fine. I’ll just go find a spot and start rubbing on my body armor,” she joked, pulling a tube of sunscreen from her bag.

Glad to hear even the slightest humor, I gave her my trademark cocky, playful grin. “Hey, now. You’ve gotta share the goods. Save some for me to do when I get off.” I winked, and her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

“We’ll see.” Her teeth pressed into her bottom lip as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

Emma groaned. “Ugh, Izzy, either go or y’all just go find a dang room.”

I frowned, the playful mood instantly vanishing with Izzy’s smile as she dropped the lotion back in her bag. That was something we hadn’t done since before we lost our little girl.

“I’m gonna go find a spot. I’ll see you later, Ems,” Izzy said with a wave.


“I’m starting to wonder if your boyfriend is rubbing off on you too much,” I snapped at Emma as soon as Izzy was out of earshot.

She frowned at me. “What do you mean? And don’t say that too loud. It’s like my dad has spies everywhere.”

“I mean, you’re getting too good at sticking your foot in your mouth.”

“What?” She looked affronted. “No, I’m not.”


“What’d I say?”

“Get a room…” I raised my brow as I made my point. “You know we don’t—”

“Oh…” she moaned, cutting me off as she caught on. “Jeez, Tucker. I really am sorry. It’s just one of those phrases, you know? I really didn’t mean it like that.”

“See? Foot in mouth.”

She grimaced. “So, she’s still having a hard time? I mean, I’m sure she is. She just doesn’t really talk much anymore. Not to Megan and I, at least, and we’re worried.”

I nodded, knowing they were. “She doesn’t talk much to anyone,” I admitted. “But yeah, showing up with no makeup and when I’m not even off yet…” I shook my head sadly. “I don’t think she’s doing so hot today.”

“She seemsbetter most of the time, though. At least compared to the beginning.”