“Right. Annie usually plans some big thing for Jet, but it’s right around graduation this year. I’m thinking Stef and Helen will put something together instead. I bet they’ll include you.”
Nic showed a slight grin. “Maybe, but I don’t want to steal any attention from y’all.”
“Did you just say y’all?”
Nic shrugged. “I can acclimate.”
“You’ll have to. We can’t seem to get rid of you,” I joked.
“I’m really thinking about staying. I just finished my program at Oxford a few months ago, and I’ve been thinking about continuing my education here. I think I can get the right VISA in time.”
“Wow, really?” I held out my hand, and we fist bumped before tucking our hands back in our pockets. “That’s awesome, and not to pry, but, why make such a big move? You’ve been here a while, yeah, but committing to school is talking years.”
One of Nic’s shoulders lifted slightly in a shrug. “I like it here for the most part. It’s nice having family around besides just my dad, and I really needed a change of pace.”
I frowned. “I hear you, but don’t you have a life to get back to in London? What about your job? Your dad?”
“My job’s remote, remember? And I have the resources to travel back for something if I need to. Just like my dad has the money to visit if he wants. As for a life to get back to…there are only remnants. The pieces aren’t worth it.” His expression faded into something serious,and my hand grabbed the back of my neck, dragging the grip down past my shoulder.
“Sometimes I feel that way, too. Except I know the piecesareworth it.” I was just tired of trying to put them back together, exhausted.
“I’m sorry about what happened with Izzy earlier. I tried to let her know she needed to talk to you. I guess I wasn’t clear enough. Or maybe I gave up too soon.”
“You tried to tell me, too. Neither of us can listen, apparently.”
“They’re both kind of stubborn like that,” Jet’s voice carried through the dark as he walked up.
Nic pushed off the Mustang and took a few steps up the driveway. “I’ll leavey’allto talk. Goodnight.” He waved over his shoulder.
“Spill,” Jet instructed as soon as Nic shut the front door.
“Nic’s thinking about staying here for college.”
“Yep. He just told me.”
“Well, Annie will love that. But it’s good. He’s dealing withsomething, and it gives me longer to get to know him.” Then Jet fixed me with a stern stare. “But you’re stalling.”
“Fuck. Caught that, huh?”
“You’re not subtle. And I know you. Now, talk.”
“What if I lose her man? I never should’ve given her that ultimatum.” I gave in.All or none. What was I thinking? She was about to break as it was. I may as well have just pushed her off a cliff with that one.
Jet shook his head. “You’re not going to lose her.”
“How do you know?” I forced my sarcasm back. But Jet hadn’t been in that room. He hadn’t seen Izzy or heard the way I went off on her.
“Because I do. And you know it, too.”
“What if the shit’s just too big this time?”
“It’s not. You just need to have patience. Y’all went through hell. It’s not going to be an easy road back.”