My pulse raced as I listened to their conversation. I knew I should just walk away. That I should avoid them and whatever messed up thing they were planning, buttheir voices sounded so familiar, it was hard to pass up the urge to look. Still on my tiptoes, I brushed my hand against the door, steadying myself as I passed to discreetly peek in the glass pane a few inches above the knob, but when I saw Zane’s profile, I nearly gasped.
The girl was out of sight but still talking in the background, and I quickly reached down to pull off my heels, wanting to be as soundless as possible when I rushed down the hall, but I lost balance with my first one and fell against the door. My stomach leaped to my throat, and I looked up through the glass to find Zane staring straight back at me.
Swallowing, my heart pounding, I began to back away, but he didn’t give me the chance to retreat. He quickly motioned for the girl to stay and was out in the hall, holding my arm to steady me within seconds.
“Thank you,” I whispered as I replaced my heel. After overhearing that conversation, politeness was crucial. The only other person nearby was on his side.
Part of me felt like he wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, not if what he’d claimed last December was true, but he’d hurt me before, and old habits died hard.Triggersdied hard, and whatever his intentions were, my gut still did not trust him.
He smiled. “You haven’t pulled away. I’m glad. I was afraid I wouldn’t get the chance to see you tonight. I almost couldn’t make it, but I’m glad I did. You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I whispered again, gently pulling my arm back now that I was on two even feet. His smile dipped, and my stomach tumbled. “You look nice, too.” I looked at his tux.
His smile broadened again, and he looked around. “You’re alone?”
I swallowed, hearing the hopeful note to his voice. “No, I’m not alone. Tucker’s waiting for me. I just went to the ladies’ room.”
A hard look passed over Zane’s eyes, and I wanted to kick myself for mentioning Tucker. It was just going to tick him off, and I needed to be smart so I could get away.
His head ducked, leaning closer. “And you’re sure Tucker’s waiting for you?”
“What are you trying to say, Zane?”
He gave a casual shrug of his strong shoulders, reminding me of his strength. How much power I could sense behind him even now. My stomach gave another swoop.
“I’m not saying anything. It’s just that I’ve heard he’s pretty sick of it. You know,waitingfor you to be ready again.”
“Not anymore.”What the hell?Why had I said that?And how does he know all this?He always seemed to know so much of my life.
His eyes flashed, anger tensing his muscles in a moment of anger before something in my expression must have given my bluff away, and his features relaxed into their cool, smug setting once again. “You can’t do it, can you?”
I opened my mouth to argue but froze, nothing coming out.
Talk, Isabel!
“I will.”
“When?” Zane pressed, leaning closer. “When you’re through being terrified he’ll put you in the same situation again? When you can forget what he did to you?”
I scowled. “It’s not about that.”Andhedidn’t do anything. You did.
Zane smirked. “Of course, it is. It’s too painful to be with him, isn’t it? That’s why you turned down his ring.”
He didn’t even deserve that answer. Nothing between Tucker and I was his to know. “Smug isn’t a good look on you,” I said instead, but he just smirked harder. Gloating, like he already thought he had won. Apprehension rolled through me.
“Just remember that I’m here for you. I’d never jeopardize your future that way.”
“No, you’d just hit me,” I snarled, and my eyes widened in horror. What was wrong with my mouth? Why was I such an idiot around him?
“At least, you know I’m not weak. I didn’t have to sit out like an injured dog just because a few people knocked into me.”
My brow furrowed, thrown. “The game,” I realized out loud. Why hadn’t it clicked with me before? I’d seen him with the other team right before Tucker got hurt.
“Exactly. You know I did that for you, right?”